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Q: When water becomes steam attraction between particles reduces or increases?
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Does the speed increase or decrease with the attraction between particles when changed from liquid to gas?

Yes, the speed increases when a liquid changes to a gas, And the attraction between particles also decreases. :) -Anouymous

When does a liquid gradually change into a gas?

when the distance between the atoms or molecules increases the force of attraction becomes less and the atoms or particles fall apart and generate distances betwen them . gas is the same form of the element just as liquid the only difference is the distance between particles is large and the force of attraction is very less.

What happens to the forces of attraction between charged objects and uncharged as the distance between them decreases?

As the distance decreases the attraction increases

What is an attraction between particles of the same substance called?

An attraction between particles of the SAME substance is called cohesion.

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What are the forces of attraction between the particles of a liquid?

Surface tension .

What is a attraction?

== == In chemistry - An attraction or force between particles that causes them to combine. Viper1 == ==

What is a natural attraction in chemistry?

An attraction or force between particles that causes them to combine.

A force of attraction would exist between what two subatomic particles?

A force attraction exist between a protons and a neutron

Which phase of matter has the strongest attraction between the particles?


Is the attraction in particles stronger in liquids then solids?

Forces of attraction have a stronger effect on the behavior of liquid particles.

What is an attraction between molecules of the same substance and why?

Cohesion is the force of attraction between molecules of the same substance which binds the particles together.