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It is called Rain.

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Q: When water comes down from the clouds what's it called?
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Whats the journey of a rain drop?

Known as the water cycle, basically, water is evaporated off the oceans and form clouds. The clouds drop rain on the land, and the rain water flows downwards and into rivers, and returns to the ocean. The water cycle then continues.

What does the haze breath resemble in the water cycle model?

Fog or Clouds. Fog because fog is also called haze. And clouds because whats actually happening is the water droplets from your breath are slightly freezing. They freeze that fast because they're are so small and they are also mix with carbon dioxide coming out of your lungs.

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The fuel filter removes any contaminents and water that comes from a dirty tank or cheap fuel.

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Magma is melted rock, which comes from the Earth's mantle, which is the layer immediately below the crust.

Whats water best for human?

Clean water

Whats the difference between salt water and real water what we drink?

well salt water is like the exact same thing except salt water has seaweed and has salt which is like real ocean water and real water is just normal and comes from expensive places and bodies of water

Whats the bug called that has two legs and swims?

water beetle, boatman. They actually have six legs but two are of extraordinary size.