

When water is boiled is it a chemical or physical change?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Boiling is a physical phenomenon, a change of phase.

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When water boils, it is a physical change.

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physical (you can change it back)

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Q: When water is boiled is it a chemical or physical change?
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Is it a chemical change when water is boiled?

No, it is a physical change.

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Boiling is a physical change.

Is Boiling water is a chemical change?

No, it is a physical change because the water is the same but just boiled

Is boiled water a chemical change?

No, it is a physical change because the water is the same but just boiled

Is water being boiled a chemical change or physical change?

It is a physical change because the water only changes its state from liquid to gas.

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When a kettle is boiled, it is not a chemical change because the water molecules are simply changing state from liquid to gas due to the heat, without any change in their chemical composition. The process is reversible, as the water vapor can condense back into liquid water.

Is water boiled to make pasta a chemical or a physical Change?

Boiling water to make pasta is a physical change because the water undergoes a phase change from liquid to gas, but its chemical composition remains the same. The molecules in water are rearranged, but no new substances are formed during the boiling process.

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Dissolving salt into water is a physical change because no new substances are formed during the process. The salt particles are simply dispersed in the water, but they retain their chemical identity.

When water is boiled in a pot it bubbles Is this the result of a chemical reaction Explain why or why not?

The bubbling of water when boiled is not the result of a chemical reaction. It is due to the conversion of liquid water to water vapor, which forms bubbles as it rises to the surface. This process is physical in nature, involving the phase change from liquid to gas.

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When a pot of water is boiled over a campfire, the physical change is the water transitioning from a liquid to a gas (steam) as it reaches its boiling point. The chemical change involves the breaking of hydrogen bonds between water molecules to form steam, but the chemical composition of water (H2O) remains the same during the process.

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Is boliling water a chemical or physical change?

Boiling water is a physical change because it does not change the chemical composition of the water.