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Q: When water particles in their liquid state gain enough energy they do what?
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What state of matter has a liquid particles have enough energy to escape the attractive forces of other particles in the liquid?


What state of matter does a liquids particles have enough energy to escape the attractive forces of the other particles in the liquid?


How can a liquid expand without changing state?

A liquid can expand when thermal energy is absorbed which is known as thermal expansion, but the thermal energy is not enough to change the liquid's state. When there is enough thermal energy, the liquid may change to a gas if the particles move fast enough to escape the liquid or it may change to a solid if the thermal energy is released from the matter.

This state of matter has enough energy for the particles to slip and slide but not break free?

That sounds like the description of a liquid.

If enough energy is added to matter in the liquid state it will change into different state. During this change of state the particles would?

move faster and break free from other particles, entering the gas state.

If enough energy is added to matter in the liquid state it will change into a different state during this change of state the particles would?

move faster and break free from other particles, entering the gas state.

Why are there four states of matter?

* The state of being a solid is due to the fact that none of the constituent particles are able to break the bonds holding them in place. * The state of being a liquid is possible when the particles have enough energy to break some bonds, but not all. This is why there is such a short range between melting and boiling points for most substances. * The gaseous state occurs when the particles have enough energy to break free of any interparticular bonds. * The plasma state ooccurs when enough of that energy is then transferred to a valence electron, such that it is excited enough to also break free of any attractions and move freely. It is a followon from the gaseous state; all particles have enough energy to be completely free.

How does solid state change into liquid state?

A liquid changes into a solid state when its particles start losing energy. This is usually due to a decrease in temperature because if there is less heat energy present, there is less kinetic energy produced in the particles. As the particles of the liquid continue to slow down its vibration speed, it becomes a solid. The word for this is known as freezing and the best example for it is the change of state from water (liquid) to ice (solid).

Why is boiling water a Heat Energy?

Heat energy is a measure of how fast particles of matter are vibrating. As more energy goes into the matter, the particles vibrate faster. At some point (it is different for each material) the particles move fast enough to change phase. When water boils, the particles change state from liquid to gas.

The energy of particles is different for each state of matter?

The energy of the particles differ because in solids the particles vibrate in a fixed position and remain close.Giving a solid definite shape and volume.While the particles of liquid are moving faster,letting them have enough energy to slide past one and another.This allows liquid to take a shape of it's container. The particles of a gas move so quickly that they have enough energy to move freely away from other particles.These particles take up as much space as possible and spread out to fit any container.

How can liquid water change into a solid state and into a gas state?

A liquid changes into a solid state when its particles start losing energy. This is usually due to a decrease in temperature because if there is less heat energy present, there is less kinetic energy produced in the particles. As the particles of the liquid continue to slow down its vibration speed, it becomes a solid. The word for this is known as freezing and the best example for it is the change of state from water (liquid) to ice (solid).

How do you describe solids?

doesnt take the shape of its container