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Q: When were cave paintings first used?
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Where was the first cave paintings found?


How do the cave paintings in Africa compare to cave paintings in other parts of the world?

They are both cave paintings

What was produced by prehistoric artists?

cave paintings...

Who was the first person to start painting?

The most likely would be the cave paintings at Lascaux, France.

When was chalk first used?

Chalk has always been a useful compound, in its natural state, it was used during prehistoric times for cave paintings, and it is still used today.

What were cave painting used for?

It is not known precisely what cave painting were used for, but most agree that the paintings were done as a kind of religious ritual. The cave painters were depicting various animals in order to reach the animals' spirits and placate them, thus hoping to insure a safe and bountiful hunt.

Who is the first European artist?

Someone making Stone Age cave paintings.

What was the first artistic representations created by humans?

Cave paintings, most likely.

What process was used to determine the age of the Lascaux Cave paintings?

radiocarbon dating

Which is oldest chauvet cave paintings Lascaux cave paintings or Venus of willendorf?

The Venus of Willendorf is a figurine made between about 28,000 and 25,000 BCE. The cave paintings of Lascaux are 17,000 years BP or before present time.

Where were cave paintings found?

The well known cave paintings are in Lascaux, France.

The Fayum mummy portraits the Great Pyramid of Giza the Lascaux cave paintings the Altamira cave paintings which is the oldest?

the Altamira cave painting