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Q: When were ghosts first discovered?
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When was the theory of ghosts discovered?

The theory of ghosts was discovered on the 6/6/6 of your mother.

Why do you hunt ghosts?

Some people want to hunt ghosts because they want to explore the spirit world that not everybody has discovered. Ghosts are mostly active at night.

Where were ghosts first discovered?

If ghosts are real they would have always been around. They wouldn't need to be "discovered". Ancient people believed in the spirit world as a means to explain things they didn't understand. They saw the natural world and the spiritual world as blended worlds where people cross over/ back and affect the world around them. This primal thinking has never left man. I do believe it is possible that ghosts or the spirit of a person may exist. I have experienced it.

Who discovered ghost?

Ghosts don't existGhost still haven't been discovered because there is not enough to prove there exist. However, the first sighting of a ghost was when humans first walked the Earth, this is before written records so there is no records of when it originally started. Answering this question is impossible.

Where were ghosts first seen?

Ghosts have been tracked down to 2000 b.c but really the ghosts have been in earth since the beginning of time.

What are the first signs of seeing ghosts?

When you believe in silly things, you tend to see them. Ghosts are not real.

How do you catch ghosts on New Super Mario Brothers ds?

I'm very sorry to say, but you actually CAN'T capture ghosts, unless someone has discovered something truly AMAZING that I haven't.

Can ghosts kill living people?

No, a ghost can't kill you, ghosts would have to exist in the first place.

What is the first thing that ghosts do when they get in the car?

They float

When did ghosts started?

When the first person died.

Was potassium k the first metal to be discovered?

No, The First Metal To Be Discovered Was GOLD. No, The First Metal To Be Discovered Was GOLD.

What are some popular unanswered questions about ghosts?

Are they real, are they made of gases or are they really ghosts or spirits? Who was the first ghost if such thing?