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The term "combat troops" is confusing to civilians (and some military personnel too) because the term has been abused for so long. All US Army personnel are combat troops with specialized branches that specialize into specific combat jobs, formerly (which is why they used to go to BOOT CAMP; formerly known as Basic Combat Infantryman's Training) known as the combat arms branch: Armor (tanks), Artillery (cannons), and the Infantry (formerly fighting men/foot soldiers). During the late 1990 the US Army "may" have added other branches to that specialized combat arms system. Rumor control stated that the aviation branch was added to the combat arms system.

The combat arms of the US Army are the conventional fighting branches of the US Army (or was during the Viet War days).

US Combat troops, along with specialized troops were deployed to South Vietnam in 1955. CONVENTIONAL forces (those combat arms men previously discussed above were deployed in 1965).

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Eisenhower sent US Army advisers to Vietnam in 1955. US Army advisers are US Soldiers.

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US Infantry arrived in '65 & departed in '72.

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US Regulars landed in Vietnam in 1965.

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Q: When were the first combat troops sent to vietnam?
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Who sent combat troops to Vietnam?

The US.

Who was the U.S. president when the first military combat went into Vietnam?

Eisenhower sent the first official US troops over there on or about 11 February 1955.

Which president ordered a continuous bombing campaign over North Vietnam and sent the first combat troops to South Vietnam?

Lyndon Johnson :) hope I helped!!!! Have a good day!

When did American troops land in Vietnam?

Conventional forces in large numbers began arriving in country in '65.

What was the date that the first US troops was sent to VietNam?


United States President during the Vietnam War?

Several: Dwight D Eisenhower (1952-60) was President when the US first sent military advisors to Vietnam, followed by John F Kennedy (1961-63); Lyndon B Johnson (1963-68), who first sent combat troops; Richard M Nixon (1969-74), who withdrew all combat troops under intense pressure from Congress and the public; and Gerald R Ford (1974-76), who was President when North Vietnam defeated South Vietnam.

Who first sent us troops to the Vietnam war?

President Eisenhower.

Who actually sent US troops into Vietnam first?

President Dwight Eisenhower

Which President first sent troops into that conflict?

Eisenhower, Kennedy, LBJ, and to a certain extent Nixon & Ford sent US military men to South Vietnam. The term "troops" can be misleading. In the US Army Armored Cavalry Squadron's, TROOPS are companies commanded by a Captain. Example: "F" Troop, "C" Troop, etc. Military men sent to Vietnam under the Eisenhower administration were combat troops; but acting in an advisory manner. Kennedy sent combat troops; also acting in an advisory manner, but also killing enemy soldiers in special operations. That's combat! If you're looking for the term that describes regular US infantrymen, be they US Army or US Marine Corps; then President LBJ sent in "Regular" US infantrymen/marines, armor crewmen (known as tankers to civilians), and artillerymen in 1965. NON-combat troops are cooks, truck drivers, medics, mechanics, clerks, and in Vietnam Military Policemen, to name a few.

When did American troops go to Vietnam?

First ground troops were sent to Vietnam in 1965.

Who sent the first troops into Vietnam?

Dwight Eisenhower sent the first advisers to Vietnam. John F Kennedy sent the first US Green Berets to Vietnam. We could've not have to worry about the Vietnam but the US signed a document saying that the US will help with war with communism without hesitation.

What month did the first combat troops go inti Vietnam?

US troops were in Vietnam as early as 1945, as a result of the ending of World War II. Lt. Col. A. Peter Dewey, head of an American OSS mission, was killed by Vietminh troops and became the first American soldier to die in Vietnam. It is believed he was mistaken by the Vietminh to be a Frenchman. The Eisenhower administration provided South Vietnam with money and advisers to help stop the threat of a North Vietnamese takeover. Eisenhower and Kennedy continued to send advisers to South Vietnam. Following the passage of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, President Johnson sent in 3,500 Marines, the first official troops, to South Vietnam. By the end of 1965, there were 200,000 US troops in Vietnam.