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The speed of violet light is slower than the red light in the prism.

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Q: When white light is passed through prism why is it observed that violet light bends more than red light?
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When white light passes through a prism what color bends the most?


Which color bends the least when light passes through a prism?

Violet bends the most The sequence of bending in increasing order is like violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange,red Idk abt least

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Which colour bends the most when white light is passed through a prism?

The violet colour will be refracted the most, it has a shorter wave length and a higher frequency. The red light will be refracted the least, with its longer wave length and lower frequency.

What bends colors of light?

Violet Diffracts most.

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When light passes through a prism, the angle of deviation of any light beam is inversely proportional to its wavelengh. Since, violet color has least wave length, it bends the most and the red bends the least.Dhirender Sharma

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Light will propage in "a straight line" when passing through a single medium. The "straight line" however bends depending on the gravitation curvature of the volume being passed through.

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All rivers have bends in them, it is the way it cuts through the landscape.

When you look through a prism you don't see what is directly in front of you why?

because the prism bends the light

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it is when the light bends eg through a prism.

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