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It will never stop. It will remain until the end of the Age. Although people will be persecuted for being Christians in the end times.

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Q: When will Christianity stop?
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I don't think Christianity will ever die. There will always be at least some people who find comfort in religious faith.

How did Roman leader try to stop the spread of Christianity?

Which Roman leader exactly? Whom are your referring to?

Why did the Romans try to stop the spread of Christianity?

The Romans did not try to stop the spread of Christianity. There were alternations between periods of toleration and periods of persecution. Some Roman emperors thought that Christianity was a threat to the Roman state because many bureaucrats and soldiers converted to Christianity. The Romans saw their state as being interlinked with Roman Religion. The persecutions were aimed mainly at the civil service and the Christian clergy, rather than Christianity as such. The last and worse persecution, the Great Persecution, failed because it was difficult to implement, because of the resistance of the Christians and because it undermined the stability of the empire. After that, the emperors endorsed Christianity, favored it over other religions and promoted it. Eventually, Christianity became the state religion of the empire. With imperial support, the spread of Christianity accelerated.

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Why is Christianity bad?

because it stops the advancement of science. I mean it did stop us 1000 from advancing in science

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What happened that not only made the Romans stop arresting Christian but then made Christianity the Empire's official religion?

crusifxion of christ

How did the Romans view Christianity at first?

Mostly as a threat. They tried moving the people away to stop it, but it only spread.

Who did the Romans adopt Christianity from?

The Romans adopted Christianity from the Jews. Up until the time of the emperor Domitian, Christianity was considered a Jewish sect. When Domitian tried to impose a tax on the Jews which included Christians, the Christians balked and proved that they were not a Jewish sect, but a distinct religion. (This didn't stop Domitian from persecuting them though)

What was the goal of the Taiping rebellion?

Politicalà Overthrow Qing government and Strengthen military. Economicà Stop the increase in taxes. Socialà Spread Christianity.