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According to my book by William Barclay, in the year that Jesus was born the planets Jupiter and Saturn met . The conjunction takes place only once every 794 years and is a brilliant sight.

Question: Did the conjuction take place in 1588?

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Q: When will conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter take place in Pisces?
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Is Saturn the largest planet by its mass?

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What place is Jupiter from the earth?

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, (Pluto)

What is the horoscope of a man born in 3rd day of Feb in 1968?

You will have to give your date of birth, place of birth and your time of birth to an astrologer for them to interpret your birth chart or give you an astrological forecast. Your Sun is in Aquarius; Moon is in Aries; Mercury in Pisces; Venus in Capricorn; Mars Pisces; Jupiter in Virgo, Saturn in Aries; Uranus in Virgo; Neptune in Scorpio and Pluto in Virgo.

Is Saturn the biggest planet?

Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system; Saturn comes in at second place.Actually Saturn comes in 1st place because the ring around Saturn is causingits diameter to get bigger than Jupiter, so it's actuallySaturnJupiterUranusNeptuneEarthVenusMarsMercuryNo. It is the second largest planet after Jupiter.

What place does Saturn have in the solar system?

Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun. Its orbit lies between the orbits of Jupiter (the fifth planet) and Uranus (the seventh).

Which place is earth the largest in the solar system?

Earth is not the largest planet in the universe. I believe Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. If Jupiter is not the largest, Saturn is.

How does gravity keep Jupiter's moons in orbit with Jupiter?

yup it also keeps one other planet in place i think........either mars or saturn...........idk

What is the place in the solar system in order from the sun?

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

What place in the solar system is in order from the sun?

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

What did astrologers believe caused the black death?

It seems most astrologers, or most whose views on the subject were recorded, thought the Black Death was caused by a lunar eclipse that took place on March 18, 1345. In the chart of this eclipse, Jupiter and Saturn were conjoined in Aquarius, where Mars was also. The Sun and Mercury were in Aries, so the Moon was in Libra, and Venus was just passing into Taurus from Aries. There may have been some who believed that the Black Death was caused, or perhaps made worse, by a solar eclipse on February 11, 1347, in which the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Saturn were all in Pisces, the sign of hospitals and confinement, Venus and Jupiter were in Aries, and Mars was in Aquarius, in the same place Jupiter and Saturn had been in the earlier, lunar, eclipse.

What type of Platen Neptune is?

Neptune is a Gas giant, but is also referred to as an "ice giant" to place emphasis on its atmospheric composition when compared to those of Saturn and Jupiter.

What place can you see the Pisces constallation?

In the night sky.