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Q: When will highest tides be seen after full moon?
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How does moon impact tidal behavior of oceans on earth?

The moon and the earth both have magnetic fields and these are what makes the two attract. When the moon a full moon, more of the moon is seen and therefore more of the force is affected the tides. So, the fuller the moon, the higher the tides. I also believe that the sodium chloride present in the sea waters has some affect on the tides.

What part of the moon is seen during full moon?

Only half part of the moon is seen during full moon.

When and where is waning moon seen in the sky?

Seen where - in the sky Seen when - after the full moon.

What time does the moon reach its apex?

I suppose you mean when the Moon reaches its highest point above the horizon. It mainly depends on where the Moon is in its orbit around Earth. For example, the Full Moon is seen when the Moon is opposite the Sun in the sky. So, Full Moon is highest around midnight. At New Moon, the Moon is highest in the sky around noon, because it's near the Sun in the sky. Actually you can't usually see it then, of course, because of the Sun. So, you can see the Moon at its highest at many different times depending on the phase of the Moon (which depends on where the Moon is in its orbit).

Can a full moon only be seen in winter?

no,a full moon can be seen at the end of the month,or at the middle of the month from when it is waning and waxing.

What is a semi diurnal tide and how is it caused?

answ2. The tides are caused by the attraction of gravity.On the side of the Earth nearest the Moon, the attraction of the Moon lessens the strength of the local perceived gravity field.On the side of the earth farthest from the Moon, the ocean there sees the gravitational pull of the whole Earth-Moon system, but the effective centre of this system is further away than the real centre of the earth. Thus the gravity field is seen as slightly less and there will be high tides there as well.When the Sun and the Moon are in alignment with the Earth, (New Moon), we have the strongest gravitational force and the tides are at their maximum height.When the Sun is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Moon, (Full Moon) then we have a weaker gravitational force, and the high tides are not quite as high as for the New Moon case.

What happens to the tides when the sun and moon are both pulling in the same direction?

Very high tides, known as King Tides. To quote Wikipedia: "The king tides occur when the earth, moon and sun are aligned at perigee and perihelion, resulting in the largest tidal range seen over the course of a year."

Which moon phase will usually be seen from earth when the moon is in this position?

full moon

Which moon phase will usually be seen from earth when the moon is in the position?

full moon

If a new moon is seen today in approximately how many days will a full moon be seen?


What is a waxing and waning crescent moon?

A waxing Moon can be seen when the Moon is larger in the sky, and is moving from the new Moon phase, and into the full Moon phase. A waning Moon is seen when the Moon is visibly smaller in the sky, and is moving from the full Moon phase, and into the new Moon phase.

Can you see the moon during a new moon?

Both full moon and new moon can be seen at the sunset. But full moon in the east and new moon in the west just after the full sunset.