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Symptoms of menopause will end when you have had no show of blood for 12 consecutiv months

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Q: When will the on and off period end during menopause?
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I am in menopause and was on birth control pills for long periods now i have taken off the pill and haven't had a period yet and i am fifty one years old?

You answered it right there, menopause hun. your periods have stopped.

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This woman had gone through menopause. She is no longer ovulating (making eggs). Since that is so, the uterus is not preparing for a pregnancy and doesn't have to slough off every month. That caused the bleeding or menstruation.

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I would think when your period is the lightest. People say that having sex during your cycle is harder to get pregnant. So, when your almost done with your period I would think or when its almost over. If you don't wanna have sex on your period whenever your off is good. I hope this helps, sorry if it doesn't. The odds of being fertile during your menstrual cycle is very unlikely. You could say there's a 95% chance you are not fertile. Keep in mind, you are the LEAST fertile a week prior to menstruation and a week after. However, it is possible to conceive during this time. It's just highly unlikely.

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No. There is no "right of rescission", or cooling off period, where a legal marriage is concerned. If you want to end the marriage you must do so by divorce.

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If you don't pay off the card by the end of the grace period - you'll pay interest on the outstanding balance.

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Unipolarpulse waveforms consist of an applied anode potential during the on-period and an open-circuit potential during the off-period.

Can you go into menapouse while pregnant?

Going into menopause is not like switching off a light. Menopause is a process that a woman's body goes through over some time. So, going into menopause while pregnant is highly unlikely.

Is it safe to stop birth control when period exist?

You are suppose to be off of the pill while you have your period. The pills you take during your period are only sugar and do nothing.

What can you expect if your doctor says you have gone through menopause and to go off your birth control pills?

Menopause and all it's wonders - no longer needing to use BC.

Were animals on Pangea?

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