

When will the supervolcano erupt?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Scientists have no idea what the precursors (or warning signs) are of an impending supervolcanic eruption, and thus have no idea when the next supervolcano will erupt. The last two supermassive eruptions (Taupo and Tambora) occurred long, long ago (24000 and 72000 years ago), and we have no knowledge of what happened leading up to the eruptions (such as increased earthquake activity or patterns). The last three eruptions of the Yellowstone supervolcano have occurred at roughly 600,000-700,000 year intervals, and the last one took place ~640,000 years ago. It could happen soon, or not for tens of thousands of years or more.

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Yes. In fact, Yellowstone National Park is a supervolcano.

Where can one find information on a supervolcano?

One can find information about a supervolcano at Wikipedia, various websites where geologists and volcano enthusiasts gather and discuss information about supervolcano.

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The Yellowstone Supervolcano.