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Q: When will you get your period back if you were on birth control patch for about 5 years and have been off them for about 1 months?
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What if you get your period while the birth control patch is one?

If you get your period while wearing the birth control patch, continue using the patch as scheduled. If this becomes a problematic pattern for you, contact your health care provider.

If you started birth control patch three weeks after your period When will you get your next period?

u will most likely to get your period while on the patch which is not good for u.

What if you get your period while on birth control?

If you get your period while on birth control, you should continue using your birth control as scheduled. Bleeding does not change the schedule for taking your pill or changing your patch or ring.

What does if mean if your on the second week of the birth control patch and you have bleeding like a regular period?

Bleeding with the patch on is a common side effect in the first three months of use. If you've used the patch as directed, there is no special cause for concern.

What does it mean when you get your period while on the birth control patch?

It is called break through bleeding.Check with your doctor for other types of birth control.

How is the birth control patch used?

The Ortho evra birth control patch is a single patch placed on your hip, butt, arm or stomach once per week, for three weeks. The fourth week you don't put a patch on, this week is for your period.

Does the birth control patch work during your period?

If you use it correctly for at least one week, the birth control patch is effective even if you're bleeding. You still have protection during the patch-free week if you used the patch correctly in the previous weeks.

What if you get your period when you have the birth control patch on?

If you bleed when the patch is on, continue using the patch as scheduled. Contact your health care provider if this becomes an ongoing problem.

What are some birth control pills that make your period lighter?

In general, all birth control pills, as well as the patch and ring and the Mirena IUD, make your period lighter.

When do you ovulate if you're on birth control?

If you put on the birth control patch while ovulating, you will likely still ovulate. Your next period may be later than expected. You will have pregnancy protection after you use the patch correctly for seven days.

What if you only been on the birth control patch for two months then stop taking it?

If you've been off the birth control patch for five months, you no longer have protection against pregnancy. If you want to conceive, start taking a prenatal vitamin with folic acid. If not, see about starting another method.

You put on a birth control patch a week late Can it make your period late?

Your period may be late if you started the birth control patch a week late. If you had sex during that time, you may be at risk for pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test to be sure.