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The hormones from the patch will be out of your system within days. Your regular cycle will return in four to six weeks.

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Q: When will your period stop after you put a new ortho evra patch on?
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If you have your free week whilst on the evra patch and have a period then you put on new patches for the next 2 weeks then stop takin the patch and bleed is this second period a real period?

Like all of the other episodes of bleeding while using the patch, the bleeding you experienced is withdrawal bleeding. Your next period will come in four to six weeks.

When is it best to become pregnant on the evra patch if you only have 4 periods a year?

The birth control patch is designed to prevent pregnancy. If you want to get pregnant, stop using the patch.

Why am I bleeding on the second patch ortho evra bright red blood?

I had the same problem. I am now getting off of the shot and trying the patch because of this. I have had spot bleeding for the entire month. My doctor said that with 2 shots you should have stopped bleeding or have minimual bleeding and since that was not the case for me, it was best for me to stop because it was not the type of birth control right for my body. This might be because your body is not responding positively to it. See your doctor.

Will the patch work if you put it on during ovulation and will it stop your next period and would your period return when you removed the patch?

Yes it will work and yes it will stop your period from coming.I've done it many times.When you do decide to take it off you will have your period as if you would normally taking it off every 4th week.I've done it stopping my period up to 2 months,but sooner or later your period will come even if you keep putting the patch on if you putit off for too long.

Can you stop your period with the birth control patch?

frist tine on the patch and its my week off to day and am waitig for period to come back . i think it can its just your body has to get use to the change so dont worrie xx

When you stop using the patch how long will it be before what if your period starts?

You should put on your next patch on schedule, regardless of bleeding. If you're still bleeding when that date comes, put it on anyway. If you stop bleeding before that date, you'll still be protected.

When You stop the patch a few days after you put it on will you get your period again?

If you stop the birth control patch within days, you may get bleeding again. Contact your health care provider to find an effective method to prevent pregnancy.

Can you use the patch to stop your period for a special event and if yes when do you need to put the patch on It is Wednesday and my event is on Saturday?

You can try it, but you may have irregular bleeding rather than no bleeding. Put the patch on now for the best chance.

If you stop taking Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo in the middle of the month and wait for your period and then start taking regular Ortho Tri-Cyclen can you get pregnant in that first week of the new pill?

Yes it is possible to become pregnant. You need to use a backup method of protection such as a condom.

Can stopping the patch make a person miss or be late for a period?

Yes it can. Discontinuing the patch will likely change your regular cycle, usually by delaying the onset of menses right after going off it. What appears to be a "missed" period is likely a long-delayed one. Yes it definitely can. You can have irregular periods for 3 months AFTER stopping the patch.

Is it normal to have a dark and clotty period if you stop the birth control patch mid-cycle?

If this is unusual for you then see your Dr for a pregnancy blood test.

Will your period come early if your patch came off a couple days before your patch free day?

If you're using the patch you don't get a period full-stop - just like the combination pill this method of birth control suppresses your cycles to stop ovulation, thus no menstruation. You get a withdrawal bleed due to the drop in synthetic hormones during your week break, thus if you take the patch off early that drop will occur early thus in turn your withdrawal bleed will be a week early too.