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Whenever they are on a public plane, bus, ship, train or any other form of public transport.

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Q: When would a group of strangers travel together?
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Why would pilgrims travel with strangers rather than only their group?

they would travel together in cased of people perishing the would have other people to help out and replace them.

Would more than one nomadic family group travel together?

in some cultures it is common for just one nomadic family group to travel together. However, not all cultures adhere to this grouping, so in some nomadic groups you can find members of several families traveling together.

How large was a family nomadic group during the time of Abraham?

During the time of Abraham in the Bible, when part of the family moved, the entire family moved. There would probably be at least 7 or more people in one family group.

How do I find a senior travel group for women over fifty?

Sites like and offer senior travel group packages, and you can specify what type of group you would like to travel with including just women over fifty.

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The company that owns the Travel Lodge Motels would have to be owned by the Wyndham Hotel group. Other motels the Wynham group have available would also be the Ramada and Baymont.

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A Ménage is a social group that lives together, as in "a household". A Roman Ménage would therefore imply a social group of Romans living together, or a social group living together in Rome.

How did people travel to Mexico in the past?

People would often travel to Mexico in caravans. Caravans are groups of people going to a place in a group. They did this so that bandits or robbers would most likely notice the large group and not bother them.

Who would win Michael Myers vs the strangers?

The strangers. Not only because there are three strangers, but Michael myers doesn't use his brain. The strangers use it a little bit.

How can they all travel to the Caribbean?

Many travel places offer a discount on group traveling a senior citizens traveling. All they would have to do is pay the travel fee that is due. They will be able to travel to Caribbean after that.

What activity would most likely enhance the cohesiveness of a public interest group?

Advertising is one activity that would likely enhance the cohesiveness of a public interest group. Getting more information out about the group would help bring members together. Planning activities such as a get together would also help enhance cohesiveness.

What term refers to a group or committee working together as the executive?

This would be a working committee. The people in this group work together in order to accomplish the task they were assigned to until completion.