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You would be put into quarantine if you have been exposed to a contagious disease or if you have recently traveled to a high-risk area. Quarantine helps prevent the spread of the disease to others in the community.

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Q: When would be put into quarantine?
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When might quarantine be important?

Quarantine is important during outbreaks of infectious diseases to prevent the spread of the disease to others. It is also used for individuals who have been exposed to a contagious disease to monitor for symptoms and prevent further transmission. Quarantine helps to control the spread of infections and protect public health.

Why is quarantine needed?

Quarantine is needed to prevent the spread of infectious diseases by isolating individuals who may have been exposed. It helps to contain and control the transmission of the disease, protecting both the individual and the community. Quarantine is a public health measure to reduce the impact of outbreaks and prevent further spread of the infection.

What are some of the trade-offs of quarantine?

Some trade-offs of quarantine include social isolation, potential negative impacts on mental health, disruptions to work or school routines, and increased feelings of loneliness or boredom.

Why is the word quarantine used instead of blockade?

The word "quarantine" is used to describe the restriction of movement of people or goods to prevent the spread of disease, while "blockade" typically refers to the act of surrounding or closing off an area using military force. Quarantine emphasizes containment and control for health reasons, whereas blockade implies a more aggressive action to prevent movement.

What does the quarantine area sign mean?

A quarantine area sign indicates that certain restrictions or regulations are in effect within that designated area to prevent the spread of a contagious disease or pest. It serves to warn people to take necessary precautions before entering the area.

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Using the word quarantine in a sentence?

The sick and contaminated were put in quarantine away from the others.

If you travel to Yemen from India do you have to put your dog in quarantine?

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Do cats have to go to quarantine?

a an animal shelter, if a cat is violent and/or often attacks, they will be put in quarantine just like a dog.

What is the quarantine during the Holocaust?

quarantine is where they put the Jews that were used to do experiments on them. Some couldn't survived because, they were torture too much.

Why does quarantine not work for noninfectious diseases?

Quarantine is only good for conditions that are spread from one person to another. If the disease is caused by something else, then everyone can get it whether they are in quarantine or not. For example, malaria; you can only catch it from mosquitoes and no quarantine would be helpful.

What would be the antonym of quarantine?

vaporize, or perhaps exposure

What did Neil do after the moon landing?

The astronauts were taken on the aircraft Hornet and later put in quarantine.

When would you need to quarantine an animal?

When The Animal Is Going To Be About To Die, Or When It Is Going To Be Eaton By Another Animal.Generally, an animal is quarantined if it bites a person or other animal & breaks the skin (makes it bleed). The local humane society can either put the animal in quarantine at the shelter itself or on an in-home quarantine.This is only done to verify that the biter does not have rabies or another infectious disease.The only other times an animal is put in quarantine is if you are traveling to another country, if the animal is vicious to people, or if the animal may have a disease that other animals/people can contract.

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How do you remove kill it hacking tool?

I guess you download the spy sweeper, track the hacking tool and put it in quarantine.

What happen to Friar John and the letter?

Friar John got put in quarantine and the letter never got delivered.

How scary is quarantine?

I haven't seen Quarantine, but I did see [.REC], which the movie Quarantine is based on. [.REC] is a Spanish movie and is very scary. I took some Spanish in High School, so about half way through the movie, I stopped reading the subtitles. I would definitely suggest this movie to anyone. [.REC], not Quarantine as I haven't seen it yet.