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Guard cells would close the stomata to prevent excess water loss through transpiration, normally when the weather is extremely hot or there is a lack of ground water. This is a regulatory mechanism to prevent dehydration.

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9y ago
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9y ago

A guard cell would close the stomata in response to a loss of water in the leaf, as an attempt to conserve water. The stomata are more often closed in high humidity when the water pressure inside the leaf is low, meaning it is needed inside the leaf. Light intensity and carbon dioxide concentration may be other factors determining whether the stomata are closed or open. The last reason that is known to cause the closing of stomata is the loss of solutes in the leaf, such as chloride or inorganic ions.

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14y ago

in the day the guard cell opens the stoma but at night the guard cell closes the stoma

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9y ago

Guard cells might close the stomates when molecules that could harm the cell are trying to enter. This can save the cell from being infected.

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12y ago

Guard cells on the underside of a leaf close when the plant is at risk of losing a lot of water (windy, hypertonic environment).

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At night .

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Q: When would guard cells close the stomates?
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Under what conditions would the guard cells close the stomates?

To prevent excess water loss through transpiration - normally when the weather is extremely hot or there is a lack of ground water. This is a regulatory mechanism to prevent dehydration.

What do guard cells close to prevent excess water loss?

Guard cells close to prevent excess water loss by closing the stomata, which are small openings on the surface of leaves. When the stomata are closed, it reduces the amount of water vapor that can escape from the plant through transpiration. This helps the plant conserve water during dry or hot conditions.

What is the gatekeeper cell?

That would be the "guard cells". The stoma is an opening on the underside of many leaves and each stoma is bordered by a pair of guard cells that open and close the pore to allow for "transpiration" (the passage of water in either gaseous or liquid form into or out of the leaf). In hot, dry weather, the guard cells close to prevent water loss. In humid weather, the guard cells allow the pore to open and water can enter.

Function of guard cells?

The guard cells surround each stoma in a plant cell. They regulate the opening and closing of stomata to facilitate gas exchange and control transpiration in plants.

Shannon is a botanist who observed stomatal closing of plants under daytime drought conditions Why would the stomata close?

Plants close their stomata to conserve water and prevent excessive water loss during periods of drought. This helps them maintain their internal water balance and avoid wilting or damage from dehydration.

What would happen if the cells of a developing plant did not differentiate into guard cells?

If they didn't, one virus could kill of an entire species.

The effect of CaCl2 solution on the opening and closing of stomata?

sugar solution does effect the opening and closing of stomata. when stomata is treated with sucrose solution, the guard cells will loss its water content as sucrose solution is more concentrated. water will moves from higher water potential (low concentrated) to low water potential (high concentrated). thus, water moves out from guard cell to its surrounding cell. when cell loss the water, it later lost its turgidity and shrink. the shrink cell eventually become flatten and close the stomata pore. . =)

What would happen if the cell of a developing plant did not differentiate into guard cells?

the cell will died

When would plant cells need to close or partially close their stomata?

Plant cells would need to close or partially close their stomata during times of water stress, such as drought, to prevent excessive water loss through transpiration. Closing the stomata also helps conserve water by reducing the entry of harmful pathogens or pollutants into the plant.

An analogy for ribosomes in a football field?

the ribosomes delivers protein to the cells so the ribosomes would be the guard.

The interaction between guard cells and a leaf opening would not be involved in what?

The interaction between guard cells and a leaf opening would not be involved in the process of photosynthesis. Instead, the interaction between guard cells and a leaf opening is responsible for regulating the opening and closing of the stomata, which affects gas exchange and water loss in plants. This helps to maintain proper hydration and gas balance within the leaf.

Which structure is a gatekeeper controlling what goes in and out of the cell?

That would be the "guard cells". The stoma is an opening on the underside of many leaves and each stoma is bordered by a pair of guard cells that open and close the pore to allow for "transpiration" (the passage of water in either gaseous or liquid form into or out of the leaf). In hot, dry weather, the guard cells close to prevent water loss. In humid weather, the guard cells allow the pore to open and water can enter.