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A 3 week period simply means an imbalance in the endocrine system that controls menstruation (unless its your first period, or you've just given birth).

Can't be sure if ovulation would occur at all!

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Q: When would you ovulate on a 3 week period?
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How many weeks can I be if I'm a week late on period?

If you ovulate around day 14 and have regular periods, by LMP (last menstrual period) you would be 5 weeks - the actual age of the embryo would be 3 weeks.

Can you still ovulate if you only have a 3 day period?

An irregular cycle can be a signal of no ovulation, but genarally speaking, you ovulate every time you have a period.

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The same way you did the first time. There is no way to hurry it up, just focus on about the week before you ovulate and when you ovulate and have sex then.

Can a woman ovulate 3 days after her period?

Yes. it's less common but it definitely can happen.

Do you get minor cramps in your first week of pregnancy?

well actually when you ovulate you are considered 2 weeks pregnant already (based on the regular period cycle of 28 days). So week one you are on your period which is normal to have cramps. Pregnancy cramps dont come tell atleast 3 plus weeks in pregnancy.

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No, you become fertile after your period. ITs called a menstruel cycle because you menstrate first, then ovulate.

By period im 7.3 weeks pregnant doctor says you dont feel that far along what could be wrong?

youre probably a late ovulator. doctors go by a standard 2 week ovulation calendar meaning most people ovulate 2 weeks after the day they start their period. im also a late ovulator. i ovulate 3 weeks after the day i start my period so youre probably 6.3 weeks

How many weeks pregnant are you if your period was 3 weeks ago?

You might be 3 weeks pregnant -- even though you only ovulated 1 week ago. It is just how they count pregnancy weeks -- from first day of last period. Generally you ovulate around day 14. You won't actually know if you are pregnany until you miss your next period

Can you get pregnant 3 months after having a baby if you have unsafe sex on a prolonged period?

Yes, you can get pregnant again as soon as you ovulate.

How fast can a girl get pregnant?

Generally you can't get pregnant on your period, however, if you have a very short cycle or if you ovulate within a week of stopping your period then there is a chance that you may conceive. Sperm can live for around a week once inside the woman, so it is possible that some women may become pregnant if they have sex while on their period.

How long do mice ovulate?

Mice are in estrus for a period of about 10 to 12 hours, and they will go into estrus every 3 or 4 days.

Is been 3 weeks and you still dont have your period?

If you took a test and it was negative you likely didn't ovulate this cycle and may need medication to bring on your period. Consult your physician.