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This is false. When you add a carbonate to universal indicator it's does not turn milky. In actual fact it turns either like thick bubbly layers or stay the same depending on the acid type are using in this situation. Because of chemistry scientists have sussed that there is no acid which can make the universal indicator turn milky. So the answer to the question is no and if you have to put this question into into a trye or false table then this question would go under FALSE because it does not turn milky.

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22h ago

When acid is added to a carbonate, it produces carbon dioxide gas. This gas bubbles through the universal indicator solution, causing it to turn milky due to the formation of tiny gas bubbles. This change is a result of the chemical reaction between the acid and the carbonate.

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Q: When you add an acid to a carbonate to a universal indicator it turns milky?
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What does a sodium hydrogen carbonate indicator do?

A sodium hydrogen carbonate indicator is used to test for the presence of acids. It turns pink in the presence of an acid and yellow in the presence of a base. This color change helps to determine whether a solution is acidic or basic.

Which colour does the lime water change to when put in oxygen?

Lime water turns milky or cloudy when exposed to oxygen. This is due to the formation of calcium carbonate as the lime water reacts with carbon dioxide in the air.

What effect does chlorine have on moist universal indicator?

Chlorine turns moist universal indicator paper red, then bleached. It has the same effect on blue litmus paper (red then bleached). this shows it is an acidic gas and so when reacts with sodium for example (an alkali metal) makes sodium chloride (salt).

What colour does universal indicator turn in ammonia solution?

ammonium hydroxide is a basic or alkaline salt & phenolphthelin gives pink colour in basic medium because it is a basic indicator

Copper carbonate and limewater?

Copper Carbonate (CuCO3) is heated up so that a decomposition reaction occurs, with the products being Copper (II) Oxide (CuO) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2). The chemical formula is: CuCO3 --> CuO + CO2. If proper apparatus is set up, the carbon dioxide should travel down a tube into limewater (Ca(OH)2), which react to create solid calcium carbonate (CaCO3, also known as chalk) and water (H2O). The calcium carbonate is the reason why the 'limewater' turns milky. This proves that there is CO2 present. The chemical formula for this is: Ca(OH)2 + CO2 --> CaCO3 + H2O.

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What effect does an acid have on universal indicator?

An acid will cause universal indicator to change to a red color, indicating a pH level between 0-3. This color change occurs because the acidic conditions cause the indicator molecules to shift their absorption spectrum towards the red end of the spectrum.

What effect does and alkali have on an universal indicator?

When an alkali is added to universal indicator, the color of the indicator will typically change to blue or purple, indicating a high pH. Alkalis are substances that have a pH above 7 and tend to turn universal indicator towards the blue end of the spectrum.

What turns universal indicator blue?

A base turns the universal indicator blue or u can say a alkali substance.

Which gas turns a universal indicator blue?

The gas that turns a universal indicator blue is usually chlorine.

What happens when you add universal indicator to sulfuric acid?

When universal indicator is added to sulfuric acid, the solution will turn red as sulfuric acid is a strong acid. It indicates a highly acidic pH level in the solution.

How can hydrochloric acid turn red in color?

When hydrochloric acid reacts with iron, it forms iron(III) chloride, which appears red in color. This happens because of the oxidation state change in the iron ions during the reaction, leading to the red coloration.

Is lemon a indicator?

Universal Indicator. It turns red as lemon juice is an acid.

What happens when carbon dioxide is bubbled into hydrogen carbonate indicator?

When carbon dioxide is bubbled into a hydrogen carbonate indicator, the indicator solution will turn yellow. This is due to the formation of carbonic acid, which is a weak acid. The carbon dioxide reacts with water in the indicator solution to form carbonic acid, causing the color change.

If the universal indicator turns green it means?

If the universal indicator turns green, it indicates that the substance is neutral, neither acidic nor basic.

What word describes a chemical which turns universal indicator green?

Neutral is a word that describes a chemical which turns a universal indicator green. This chemical has a pH equal to 7.0 on the pH scale.

What happens when you mix water with a universal indicator?

When water is mixed with a universal indicator, it will change color based on the pH of the water. Universal indicator contains a mixture of dyes that change color in response to different pH levels, allowing you to determine if the water is acidic, neutral, or basic.

What colour does acid turn when added to universal indicator?

When acid is added to universal indicator, the indicator will typically change to shades of red, orange, or yellow, depending on the strength of the acid.