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Q: When you are blank you are turning into lanes of other traffic?
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What are you doing when you are turning into lanes of other traffic?

Creating a hazard

What are you doing when you turn into lanes of other traffic?

Creating a hazard

In USA what is the law on merging traffic who has the right of way merging traffic or traffic flow?

In most instances a lane of travel will be marked as the lane that is merging with the other lane or lanes. If so, the lane that is NOT ending has the right of way. When entering a freeway or Interstate roadway, the traffic already on the main lanes of travel has the right of way and the entering traffic has the duty to "merge" safely with the traffic already flowing on the main lanes.

What is the purpose of through lanes on an interchange?

Some traffic will always be through-traffic. A "thru lane" keeps those folks moving at a constant speed, while other lanes handle the craziness of exiting and merging.

Why traffic stops on a highway?

Traffic stops on a highway for several reasons. One of the main reasons is a car accident that can close lanes. The other biggest reason is construction.

What is a multi-lane highway?

A multi-lane highway is a road with several lanes for traffic. Our motorways usually have 3 lanes which tend to be called the "slow" the "middle" and the "fast" lane, but these names are incorrect, although the slower traffic should keep to the "left" lane, whilst the other two lanes are "overtaking" lanes to enable faster vehicles to get on their way. Some highways in North America have as many as 8 lanes. Not the sort of road to be dithering as to which lane you should be in. A difference with American super highways is that drivers can pass other vehicles on the right or the left side.

Why should we not cut lanes when driving?

First, it is due to safety issues. Cutting lanes without signalling may cause traffic on the lane you are entering to crash onto you. Second, it is not polite to do so and will annoy other drivers. If like planets,we follow our lanes, it will avoid road accidents

White lines separate traffic traveling in opposite directions?


What is the best way to inform other drivers of any maneuver u are abut to make on the hoghway?

When you are changing lanes, passing someone, or turning, put on your blinkers!!

Is it legal to make a left turn at a red signal in Georgia?

This answer depends on many variables regarding what light system is being used. This answer is formulated on basic rules of the road. If there is a designated left hand turning lane with it's own light, that light controls all left hand turns regardless of what the right lane or lanes can do based on the light(s) controlling the right hand lane or lanes. If both the through traffic and turning traffic on the same side is controlled by one set of lights operating in sync (all lanes green at same time), vehicles turning left can advance and make the turn as long as there is safe clearing distance for oncoming traffic. Many drivers in the left lane at a busy intersection move into the intersection at a green light, with enough distance for any oncoming traffic to make a left turn if allowed; this way, at least 1 or 2 cars will get through during busy traffic times because any car past the crosswalk area must complete the turn before the cross traffic can begin to move. Many left only turn lanes are controlled by their own light, especially at busy intersections. With a separate light, left turners can go on green even if through traffic on the same side has a red light. Typically at these intersections, both sides of the road have a left turning lane with separate light to control traffic, and both sides of the road can make their turns simultaneously (baring any other obstacles or conditions). For any intersection controlled by lights that change direction depending on traffic needs (or change lane designations) at different times of the day, drivers must pay close attention to lights and road markings. Lanes like this exist around Cleveland, Ohio. Two lanes in both directions are operated normally, with a center lane that changes at different times of the day. So, for example, during rush hour traffic, the middle lane's lights may only allow through traffic and no left turns whatsoever. But at non-peak times (most of the day), they may (or may not) allow left turns at certain intersections. It was quite confusing the first time I drove such a rode in Cleveland; it certainly kept both of my hands glued to the steering wheel and foot poised to brake if I suddenly found another driver not following the lights correctly!

Can you cross two lanes to turn right exiting freeway ramp?

Of course not. You should legally move over to the turning lane, signal and make your turn, always knowing that any other vehicle occupying the lane has the right of way. You can never legally cut across lanes.

In a wide interesection with the turn lanes offset not straight across from each other when I am turning left and an oncoming car is turning left do we turn in front or behind each other?

You would turn in front of each other. If you try to take the turn behind the car, your path could be blocked by cars heading in the same direction as the other car.