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First you need to determine a few things. It all just depends on what level of coverage you purchased. If you went after the cheapest rate you probably don't have some of the needed coverage.

1. Do you in fact have coverage on our policy for "Black Mold".

If yes, it will typically appear in the language of "Toxic Mold" as all mold and mildew will turn black in color but almost all of it is not of a toxic nature that would cause significant health problems.

Most policies these days automatically exclude coverage for mold and mildew of any kind as this type of damage has been traced to one of two things. Either poor quality workmanship (which is not covered) in the form of bad ventilation and drainage, or poor maintenance and upkeep by the home owner (also not covered). There are really no other reasons to have mold in the home.

2. Do you have loss of use coverage on your policy?

If yes, this would be the portion of your coverage that would "Reimburse" you for temporary living expenses while repairs are under way.

3. Do you have medical coverage on your policy?

If yes, this is the portion of your policy that would respond to claims of personal injury.

Without having a copy of your insurance policy in front of us, we can not say for certain what would or would not be covered under your policy. Not all insurance policies are the same.

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Q: When you are displaced and have to get a motel room because of black mold will homeowners insurance pay for that and will they also pay for a vet bill and doctor bill due to getting sick?
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