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Q: When you are whiting antlers how long do you leave them in the water?
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How big does mule deer's antlers get?

A mule deer's antlers can span up to 4 ft long.

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Till they grow back

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Manatees spend their entire lives in water. They do not leave it.

Can dog chew on real deer antlers?

Yes, as long as they don't splinter.

Are deer antlers good for dogs to chew on?

Yes, as long as they don't splinter

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The lima beans will bounce in the water

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How long are deer antlers?

The main factor in the size of a deer's antlers is the species, with some species only have very small antlers and others are very large. The size of the deer's antlers is also in direct proportion to the size of the animal, so the bigger the species and specimen the larger the antlers. The antler size also varies greatly with the nutrition, age, sex and genealogy. As they shed the antlers every year and grown new ones over the summer, the quality and size can deteriorate with any decline in the health of the animal. The average size of deer antlers of some species are as follows (all for healthy animals, in the prime of life): * Pere David's deer (Elaphurus davidianus) - antlers can grow on average to about 31 inches (80 cm).* Red deer (Cervidae Cervinae) - Antlers can grow up to a meter long in males (about one yard).* White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) - Antlers are typically 3 in (7 cm) long in males. Females rarely grow antlers.* Reindeer, also known as caribou (Rangifer tarandus) - Antler length varies from males to female. Male's antlers on average tend to be about 52 inches (around one and half meters), whereas the female's range from 9 to 20 inches (23 to 50 cm).

How do you tell how old a moose is?

by seeing how many antler points he has or how long and big are his antlers

How much water do you use when you have the tap running?

it depends how long you leave the tap on