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Sea legs.

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Q: When you canstand on a ship's rolling deck without falling over you are said to have these?
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Why use a space shuttle?

You use it to give the rocket a extra boost into space and make sure it gets into orbit, without it space ships would be falling back to earth!

On navy ships what keeps sailors from falling overboard when standing at attention on the edge?


Why is the National Electrical Code not used for rolling rail stock or ships etc?

These industries have their own special codes that take into account the different physical conditions in trains and ships.

Why pirates are important?

They're not... they steal ships and ships cargo without leaving a trace that they were there.

Do privateers have ships?

Yes. They wouldn't be called privateers if they didn't have ships.Privateers without ships are called mercenaries.

The abduction of Helen by Paris started what?

The abduction of Helen started the Trojan War with the city of Troy falling. Helen was the face that launched a thousand ships

Where can I buy a good industrial utility cart?

National Business Furniture sells rolling utility carts and ships them via FedEx or UPS. They arrive within one to two weeks. NexTag and Sears also sell rolling utility carts that could be used in a business setting.

Why was the German navy unable to use its surface ships?

The German Navy did use its surface ships, but the U-boats were able to attack without being seen.

Why do you need special ships to reach Antarctica?

Antarctica is surrounded by ice and icebergs can damage ships without reinforced hulls especially designed for polar travel.

List improvements in transportation?

Falling => crawling => walking => running => horses=> cars => trains => planes => rockets => space shuttles => space ships => jetpacks => time machines => ??

What does joe tell Pip about the firing ships?

Joe tells Pip how the firing ships are set ablaze to protect them from being taken over by enemies, preventing valuable resources from falling into the wrong hands. He describes the tactic as a necessary sacrifice to safeguard the country and its people.

What did Hernando cortez do after he landed in Mexico?

The legend says he burnt his ships to prevent any mutiny - without ships, no one could make any attempt to "go back".