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It sounds like a Setting that is on your Computer.

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Q: When you click the Address bar Internet Explorer selects the URL in the Address bar and the mouse pointer changes to an I beam?
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What are pointer to pointer?

A pointer only holds an address information (location) in the memory. if a pointer holds points another pointer then it is a pointer to an other pointer. Pointer holds an address in the memory so in that address there is an other location information that shows another location.

What is pointer of pointer?

pointer is the variable that holds the address of another variable

Define pointer to pointer in c?

Double (**) is used to denote the double pointer. As we know the pointer stores the address of variable, Double pointer stores the address of any pointer variable. Declaration : int **ptr2Ptr;

C program pointers to pointers examples?

Pointer to Pointer is a double pointer, denoted by (**). Pointer stores the address of the variable and pointer to pointer stores the address of a pointer variable and syntax can be given as int **ptr2ptr;

Difference between void pointer and null pointer?

A Null pointer has the value 0. void pointer is a generic pointer introduced by ANSI. Before ANSI, char pointers are used as generic pointer. Generic pointer can hold the address of any data type. Pointers point to a memory address, and data can be stored at that address.

When hovering over a link on a Web page while using the Internet Explorer desktop application the pointer changes to a?

hand. It has the index finger extended, pointing to what you will click on. The thumb is extended out to the left, imitating the naturally more comfortable way to point. The other fingers are folded under.

What is void pointer and what are its uses?

Void pointer can hold the address of any kind of pointer. But we can't operate on void pointer

What is void pointer variable?

A void pointer variable is a pointer variable (of some type) that is assigned the value zero, meaning it points to address zero. Memory address zero is a reserved address, which means the pointer variable references nothing in particular.

In pointers what is the use of pointer variable?

Pointer is a variable that stores the address of another variable . So pointer basically stores the address of another variable and size of pointer can be evaluated by using sizeof operator.

What is the little hand pointer called on internet explorer?

I am not sure about the technical term, but since it oonly appears when your cursor is over a link, so it would be the 'link access' cursor.

What is a memory pointer?

A pointer is a variable that stores a memory address and that allows indirect access to the object or value stored at that address.

What always contains a pointer variable?

pointer variable in c contains the address or the location of the other variable. eg- if a=2 and address of a is 2345. b=&a then b is a pointer which contains 2345 which is the address of a. *b gives value of that is 2.