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Q: When you cut your circulation off does your finger really fall off?
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cut off the circulation of your finger and you tell me they have the same principle

What is the human circulation?

Human circulation is about blood. Like if you sqweeze your finger, it will ture puple, that is because you cut off it's circulation.

Can a band-aid cut off your circulation?

Yes, band-aids can cut off your circulation, but only if they are wrapped around something, like a finger or toe. They cannot cut off your circulation if they aren't wrapped around anything. Hope this helps!!!!! :-)

How do you get circulation back to your fingers?

just keep wiggling your finger. if you have cut off the blood supply, by moving your finger your muscles need oxygen, with the blood takes there. therefore starting circulation again

Why would your nails turn light purplish blue with a white band in the middle?

they would do that if you put a band around you r finger to cut off your circulation

Is wearing socks in bed bad for you?

no, unless they are really tight, and then its bad because they might cut out your circulation.

Do silly bandz cut off your circulation?

I have been wearing a lot of silly bandz and they do leave marks on my arm.Sometimes a feel a tight pain,but nothing serious.The question hasn't really been answered yet,though.yes they do because if they are to tight they can i wore alot of silly bandz and they started to cut of my circulation.

What would happen if you cut off circulation off in your finger for one year?

Hmmm I'm no rocket scientist or anything but I'm gonna say it will rot and you will lose the finger......way sooner than a year without the blood circulating through it.

Can gummy bracelets cut off your circulation?

Yes, if the gummy bracelets are too tight, they can cut off your circulation

How does bacteria enter a cut finger?

you might get bacteria with the object you used to cut your finger. the object may be dirty which has full of bacteria and then enters your cut. or when you have cut your finger you may have touched something dirty with lots of bacteria.

How do you cut your finger off?

well the first thing that u want to do is make sure your finger is not breathing or talking. Get a plastic fork place it on your finger and there you go, cut the finger off. But only cut it off when there is no life in your finger.

I have a really deep cut but its small and it's on my finger when it gets pressure on it it bleeds a lot Do I need stitches?

crazy glue it