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If part of your rectum came out, you need a doctor immediately. That's called "pink sleeve" and is a type of prolapse. You also need to push less hard when you defecate, and to eat more fiber-rich foods and drink plenty of water.

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Q: When you defecate your anus hurts and stool won't come but some organ painfully came out and then the stool?
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Why does it hurt to defecate when I am on my period?

It hurts to defecate because your anus and your uterus are very close so the cramping pain from your uterus is going to your anus. Try drinking a lot of water and eating softer foods to soften stool.

Why do you urinate when you defecate?

The primary muscles that function to hold in stool are the internal and external anal sphincters. The internal sphincter is a completely involuntary organ, and as stool passes through this sphincter, the muscle slowly relaxes. The stool then contacts the external sphincter, which is a completely voluntary organ. At this point, we sense that there is an increased pressure in our rectum, and we likely feel the need to defecate. If a toilet or other commode is close by, we sit down and voluntarily relax our external anal sphincter, and the stool passes through. If, however, we would rather not have a bowel movement at that moment, we voluntarily tighten our external anal sphincter, and the stool is retained in the rectum.

What is the formal word to explain passing stool by human?

The word is defecate.

What is deface?

To defecate is to pass out stool. It is the body's natural way of taking out the excess waste from the digestive system.

What is the name of human organ from which stool comes out?

The anus

How many times will baby defecate?

Some will defecate with every feed - 8 to 10 times daily. Some will defecate every 2-3 days. If the baby seems bloated and has to strain on the stool or it seems uncomfortable passing it or seems to have an upset stomach then it may be constipated. If the baby seems comfortable and passes the stool easily then even once every 2-3 days is OK.

What does defecate mean?

Defecate . To have a bowel movement, go to the bathroom.To rid the body of solid waste.To pass feces (stool) out of the rectum through the anus

Does milk make babies pee?

It can, but it can also make them defecate too. Colostrum for calves is what helps a calf pass its first stool.

What are the earliest signs of blockage in a ferret?

A ferret with an an intestinal blockage or partial intestinal blockage symptoms: * vomiting, sometimes projectile vomiting * Not eating or drinking/or poor appetite * no stool, skinny (narrow) stool or loose stool (diarrhea) * straining to defecate * lethargy * signs of abdominal pain (pawing at mouth, grinding teeth)

How is cryptosporidiosis diagnosed?

This is based on either finding the characteristic cysts in stool specimens, or on biopsy of an infected organ, such as the intestine.

Do adult cats defecate more than younger cats?

An adult cat likely has a larger volume of stool than a kitten. As a general rule, the more the cat eats, the more feces there will be.

Thursday i had a stool and it had blood on the toilet paper quite a bit It concerns me next day i had another stool it had a little less blood Should i still have stools?

You should continue to defecate even if you have bloody stools. Trying to avoid bowel movements may worsen your problem. Contact your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.