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Unfortunately, it is impossible to provide any interpretation without more information about this dream. Dreams communicate through symbols, and these religious figures have many, many symbolic meanings on many different levels. A dream about Jesus and Mary would mean something very different to a deeply devout person than they would mean to someone who cared very little about religion.

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Q: When you dream of JESUS virgin MARY in same dream?
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According to Catholic doctrine and 2000 years of tradition, Mary was a perpetual virgin and had no children besides Jesus. In the culture of the time any close relative was referred to as a brother or sister, especially cousins. For more information click on this link.

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Mary and Joseph were Jewish the same with their son Jesus.

What parallels do Mary and Elizabeth in the Bible and Mary Queen of Scots and Queen Elizabeth I have?

they have the same names? They were cousins? However it was Queen Elizabeth who was the virgin!

Why is horus is important?

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