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no it vanishes with face wash.

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Q: When you erase your skin does the mark stay on your skin for life?
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a birth mark will stay with you forever unless you dye your skin and i don't think you want to do that There are laser treatments for Port Wine stains .

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No, you should not mark on your skin. The ink and chemicals in the Sharpie will get in your skin, sometimes a Sharpie Marker can or may stay on top of the skin and start going deeper into the human's pores!

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well first having to many beauty marks can cause skin cancer but how to get them if you stay in the sun and if you get sunburn alot but if you have acne the sun is really good for it but dont stay in the sun too long or youll get skin cancer

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Most commonly it's when your skin loses pigment. It causes white streaks that usually stay for life.

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How do you delete a certain color in paint?

When you select the erase tool, have your first color as the color you want to erase. Than right-click and hold, moving the mouse along the line/whatever you want to erase. All other colors will stay there.

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it was very hard and easy but most people chose not to stay close the river for flood reasons.

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Don't stab knives into your skin and it will stay fine

How can you get your skin paler?

Stay out of the sun.

Can you be vaccinated for skin cancer?

No. What you have to do is get your skin checked at least once a year, stay out of the sun, use sunscreens, wear hats, stay out of tanning booths, and protect your skin as much as possilbe.

How does skin stay on your body?

It stays on the bone

How do frogs skin stay slimy?

They have a bath