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No,You Just need Your Tonsils Removed.But If you have a big Uvula too You might need to remove it.

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Q: When you get your tonsils removed does the uvula come out too?
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Will you still get strep throat if palatine tonsils are removed?

No. The tonsils are the things that are causing you to get sore throats. See, you tonsils rub against your throat when they are too big, causing a sore throat. When you get them removed the sore throats go away.

Why did Miley Cyrus cut her uvula?

Miley Cyrus wouldn't cut her uvula because if she did she'd have problems singing since your uvula helps you produce a vibrato, which is a wavy up and down sound. And your uvula is also your gag reflex and helps it so when you eat food doesn't go down your air passage.

Can the uvula at the back of the throat be too long and cause a continual cough?

Yes the uvula can grow and have to be surgically trimmed back.

What are the andoids main functions?

The Adenoids are near the tonsils. They are both part of the lymphatic system. They assist the body in fighting off disease and infections. In children, they are sometimes removed if they become enlarged and sore too often, just like the tonsils.

Should you get your tonsils removed will it hurt?

If they are causing you a tremendous amount of recurring pain and the infections dont clear up well with anti-biotics then see your GP and discuss having them removed. I have had mine removed and It doesnt hurt too much. You get to eat plenty of Ice Cream!

Why is my right tonsil getting bigger everytime it aches i dont think it's tonsilitis coz i dont have fever?

If that happens, you might need to get your tonsils removed because they are too big.

Is there any organ in the lymphatic system that can be removed without harm to the person?

there aren't any organs per-say. you can remove nodes ( the tonsils & adnoids are often removed in childhood) but if you pull too many you end up retaining fluid distal to the proceedure.

Why is a tonsillectomy ok for kids not adults?

Some adults do have tonsillectomies. It's not that tonsillectomies are only suitable for kids, it's that if the person is going to need their tonsils out they will generally know about it when they are quite young (too many throat infections already so it's decided they should be removed). The patients just tend to find out early so don't keep their tonsils to adulthood, so never have them removed when they're adults.

How do you touch your uvula?

Keep your tongue all the way back, while it touches the roof of your mouth and keep going.

Why do you eat ice cream after getting your tonsils removed?

It's too painful to eat anything solid. Yogurts & fruit cups was my diet for 2 weeks after my Tonsilectomy.

I am 25 yrs old and getting my tonsils removed. Is a 16hr flight possible 15 days after a tonsillectomy?

I am 25 and I am getting my tonsils out about a week before Thanksgiving. My doctor said the pain is worse on the 7th day for adults. The only thing I would worry about if I was you was that deferred ear pain that I've heard about. I'm sure the 15th day will not be too horrible pain-wise. He told me I could go back to work in a week....