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Physical, because it's changing state.

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Q: When you had dissolve a candy in your mouth is that going to be a chemical change or a physical change?
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Is chewing a peppermint candy a physical or chemical change?

It is a state change from a solid to a liquid and so it is physical.

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Physical change because the strawberry is still a strawberry and the chocolate is still chocolate.

Is melting a candy bar a chemical change?

Melting a candy bar is a physical change because it is just changing form, not changing the chemical makeup. (If it isn't making a new material, it is not a chemical change)

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Is ice candy physical or chemical change?

chemical change,because the liquid form inside the ice candy plastic,changed into a solid particles and getting iced.

Is digesting a candy bar a physical process or chemical process?


Is digesting a candy bar a physical or a chemical process?

Chemical process

Is it a chemical or physical change when pop rocks pop in your mouth?

The pop that results is caused by the release of carbon dioxide bubbles that are encapsulated within the candy. This is a physical change, rather than a chemical reaction, because no new products are formed.

Which is not a physical change associated with aging?

a physical change is not a chemical change as it changes the physical appearance of the substance like state, color, size and shape

Is Transparent rock candy is finely ground into an opaque white powder physical or chemical change?

Actually, it is a physical change because when sugar and water mix together, they are not forming a new substance, sugar dissolves, but it doesn't disappear. So when you crystallize it, it still has the same chemical structure, the only thing that changed is the physical appearance.