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You cannot harvest a neighbours plants in Farmville.

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Q: When you harverst neighbors farm do they get money?
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Why doesn't friends show up as neighbors on farm?

they do

How do you get big family farm on FarmVille?

You have to have 13 neighbors. i have 15 neighbors it still doesn't work... what should i do ?

Lil farm life did not give me my neighbors?

yeah man lil farm life died...

How do you see your neighbors farm on Farmville?

You can see your neighbours underneath your farm. By clicking on their profile picture you an choose to visit their farm. If you don't see any neighbours below your farm you probably have to add them using the "Add Neighbors" button located above your farm.

Can I clear my farm in Farmville and begin building new one without losing my neighbors?

No, the process of deleting your current farm is by disallowing the application to run in your account thus deleting your entire farm including your neighbors. So when you try to build a new farm, you will start again from scratch.

How does a child get pocket money?

By helping his parents and helping his neighbors for money but he has to ask his parents about helping neighbors

What level do you have to be to hire people to plow on your farm on Farmtown on Facebook?

You don't have to be a level you have to have 10 neighbors on farm town.

How do you see peoples name on Farm Town?

tru friends and at the my neighbors

What did the phelps family do to protect itself when they felt threatened by toms letters?

The Phelps family asked some neighbors to stand guard over their farm.

What size farms are available on Farmville and how much does each cost?

The farm sizes available on farmville are as followes:Size Cost1. 14x14 10,000 - 8 neighbors required2. 16x16 25,000 - 10 neighbors required3. 18x18 50,000 - 13 neighbors or 20 FC4. 20x20 75,000 -16 neighbors or 20 FC5. 22X22 250,000 - 20 neighbors or 30 FCNote: Farm size 24x24 will be coming soon. (Rate unknown. Expected rate to be 500,000)FC = Farm Cash