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Q: When you have a root canal the tooth come brittle?
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What can cause a cracked root?

If this tooth has become weakened, or if it is more brittle (such as post root canal) it is susceptible to a break at the root. You could have chewed something extra hard, or exposed the tooth to rapid temperature change. It means the tooth was in a weakened state to begin with.

Is a crown always needed after a root canel?

Type your answer here..once a root canal is complete the nerve is removed. thus, no nutrients etc are able to feed to that perticular tooth. over time the tooth becomes brittle and prone to fracture thus a crown is then placed on it to prolong the "lifespan" of the tooth.

Does a root canal increase the chances of losing a tooth?

No . . . the root canal procedure is intended to save the tooth.

Do you need a crown after nerve removal?

After a root canal has been performed, the tooth will often become brittle and weak. This may lead to the tooth fracturing under normal stress. Depending on how the tooth fractures, it may not be possible to restore the tooth with a crown at that point. The tooth then will probably require extraction. Consider a crown a kind of insurance policy on the root canal.

What is d3330 root canal therapy?

that is a root canal of a molar tooth. Meaning the dentist is removing the nerve and pulp of the tooth.

Is replacing bonded tooth with a crown necessary to prevent root canal?

Is replacing bonded tooth with a crown necessary to prevent root canal?

Do you need a crown if you have a root canal on a lower left molar performed over a bridge?

If you have a root canal done, most likely you'll need a crown. But if it was done through a bridge, there is already a crown on that tooth. A bride is just three or more crowns fused into one piece to replace a missing tooth. It is possible that doing a root canal through the brige will damage the bridge and the whole until may need to be replaced if that happens. But that's not common.

Brief about root canal implant?

A Root Canal Implant is a procedure to implant or replaces a damaged tooth with a new tooth. You can visit the Best Dental Clinic in Ludhiana and can get the best root canal imlant.

How do you get rid of tooth roots?

root canal

What is the alternative to a root canal?

The only alternative to performing a root canal procedure is to extract the diseased tooth.

Do dentists remove the root of a tooth when a root canal is performed?

Yes, They do remove it. The reason for getting a tooth treated with the root canal treatment is because of the cavity of the teeth which has reached its root level and has started causing pain. Hence it is removed and treatment is completed by covering the infected tooth with the crown.

What are consequences of getting your root canal therapy?

If your tooth needs a root canal and is not painful, then it must be a dead tooth. When a tooth is dead, it is a source of infection which is not good. It is possible that it could hurt in the future due to infection. Better to have the root canal done, because you're trying to save your tooth. If you don't have the root canal treatment done and your tooth continues to decay, the dentist might have to pull that tooth out in the future. Once you pull out your tooth, that's gone forever