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Q: When you have a sore throat should you spit out your mucus?
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How do you get when loogies out trying 2 clear my throat and drinking doesnt work?

You collect the mucus into your mouth and then spit it out.

Could having sinus cause you to spit up blood?

It is possible that you could spit up blood if you have post nasal drip and your mucus membranes are damaged. Basically post nasal drip is the drainage of mucus down the back of the throat because your sinuses are congested. Thus the body is unable to control the production and flow of mucus. Many people cough up this mucus as it bothers their throat and can even lead to a sore throat. So when your mucus membranes are damaged they can bleed, normally this would lead to a nose bleed, but if the sinuses are congested the blodd can drain down the back of the throat (post nasally) with the mucus. I would definitely sugest that you treat your post nasal drip, sinus congestion and damaged mucus membranes. You can visit for more information on the three conditions. Or alternatively you can visit

Can a sore throat make you caught up pink spit?

no. its probably drinking too much pepto bismol

When you have strep throat should you swallow your spit?

Yes. Otherwise you may spread the disease.

Should I get tested for HIV?


What is the last 20 percent of a drink?

spit or mucus

How do you prevent excessive mucus in throat or nasal cavity area?

You could run a hot shower and leave the cat in the bathroom to breath in the steam for about 10 minutes.

Why mucus sometimes coming out of spit glands?

Because you are a freak

How do vaginias spit water?

It clears its throat real hard.

How does a cat scratch in your nose heal when morning allergies make me blow my nose and the scab comes off when I blow my nose?

I found success by first gargling with a salty solution to clear mucus from my throat. I then pulled down the accumulated mucus in my nasal passages into my throat and then spit it out through my mouth. Fortunately, that problem has only happened once in over twenty years of from four to ten cats temporarily or permanently in our home.

Could someone elses spit on your lip make it into your mouth and give you hiv?

The answer would be no. If the person spit blood into your mouth and you had a sore then YES. Spit will not give you HIV.

How is a canker sore cured?

swish salt water back and forth and spit out