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Q: When you have glaucoma do you lose central or peripheral vision?
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How long does it take to lose peripheral vision while staring?

2 seconds

What is glaucoma and how can it be prevented?

Glaucoma refers to a group of eye diseases all of which involve damage to the optic nerve. A fluid fills the eyeball, various things can cause the pressure of this fluid to be too high (something like high blood pressure). This high pressure in the eye can lead to optic nerve damage. African Americans and everyone over 60 are more susceptible, but anyone can be genetically predisposed to this problem. A most common symptom of glaucoma damage is 'tunnel vision" where you lose your peripheral (side-to-side) vision and can only see straight ahead. The most important step in prevention is regular visits to a doctor who checks the pressure of this fluid. It is not always possible to prevent glaucoma but usually, by treatment, damage can be prevented or minimized. Visit the associated link for more tips on prevention.

What is the mucsular dystrophy?

Macular Dystrophy or vitelliform dystrophy is a genetic eye disorder that can cause progressive vision loss. This disorder affects the retina, specifically cells in a small area near the center of the retina called the macula. The macula is responsible for sharp central vision, which is needed for detailed tasks such as reading, driving, and recognizing faces.DiagnosisVitelliform macular dystrophy causes a fatty yellow pigment (lipofuscin) to build up in cells underlying the macula. Over time, the abnormal accumulation of this substance can damage cells that are critical for clear central vision. As a result, people with this disorder often lose their central vision and may experience blurry or distorted vision. Vitelliform macular dystrophy does not affect side (peripheral) vision or the ability to see at night.

How did Bocelli lose his vision?

Andrea was born with congenital glaucoma and, despite many operations, his parents were told he would eventually become blind. This was accelerated during a football game when the ball hit his right eye causing ahaemorrhage

Among what race is glaucoma most prevalent?

African-Americans are four times as likely to develop glaucoma as Caucasians, and six to eight times more likely to lose their sight to the disease. African Americans also develop glaucoma at earlier ages;

Can animals lose their vision?

yes they can

How you lose eye vision?


Can marijuana cause you to lose your eyesight?

no, quite the contrary, one of the many uses for medical marijuana is to cure glaucoma.

Is it true that your vision blurs when youre driving 55 mph?

The human eye starts to lose details and perception and most of all peripheral details at 8 miles an hour and faster. So at 55 miles an hour your brain can't process everything that you are looking at. Your vision doesn't necessarily blur, it just isn't as sharp at noticing everything you are able to look at(tunnel vision).

Persistence of vision is important because?

If we lose are vision, there are no goals to aim for. Without goals society would never evolve.

What should I do during last days of my life before suiciding before getting blind by glaucoma?

Stop asking such ridiculous questions and do everything you can to get help for that glaucoma. Do not kill yourself over feeling like you are going to lose your eyes. I have a cousin who feared the same, he did not lose his eye sight. There are other options out there find them get help and really start living.

Does SD alcohol affect the eyes?

I know when I drink ethanol (aka ethyl alcohol, the kind you find in spirits) it messes up my vision up pretty good.