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Well, I can think of three ways:

  • Write whatever it is on a piece of paper, then burn it. It is extremely satisfying watching your secret go up in flames.
  • Go somewhere where you can be alone. If your outside, dig a small hole in the ground and speak your secret into the hole, then cover it up with dirt. If you're inside, say it into an empty coffee can or peanut-butter jar, screw the lid on tight, and throw it away. You can scream it or whisper it - whichever makes you feel better- but you should say it out loud, or else that feeling (which is a type of guilt, by the way) won't go away.
  • Write about it in a journal or diary. Make sure, though, that it has a lock and it is hidden in safe place that only you know about.

If none of these work, then maybe you should consider actually telling someone. If it is really serious, then a trusted adult would be your best bet.

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Q: When you have something you literally can't tell anyone but you HAVE to get it off your chest what can you do?
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