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Q: When you look at something how to your eyes move?
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When you make a move what would you do after kissing?

look at him/her in the eyes and smile with your lips and eyes

Do illusions move?

yes illusions move it look like its gleaming in your eyes.

How do you get a kiss from a boy that you like?

If your going on a date with him, suggest to watch a movie. Cuddle and be flirtatious. If you get in close, as if he were holding you or something, look into his eyes and move in slowly, if he wants to kiss you then he'll move in. If he does, go for it! Good Luck!

How do I kiss a boy that I'm going with to the dance for the first time at the dance?

Get a chance to get close to him.. look him in the eyes as if u want something. he will surely understand and then move closer.

Why would you choose ophthalmologist over an optometrist?

A ophthalmologist can look inside the eyes and can do tests, and do eye operations. They can have a move indepth look at and in and behind the eyes.

Why would your eyes not move right to left or up and down?

There is something wrong with either the muscles that move the eyes or the nerves that go to them. You will have to ask an eye doctor (Ophthalmologist) about this.

How do you learn to use byakugan?

Don't move your eyes something that moves will move your eye its complex but you'll understand.

How do you look at something?

open your eyes and your pupils will do the work 4 you!

What does it mean to look at something with fresh eyes?

In English it means to look at something familiar as if you've never seen it before.

When something is coming towards you how does your body get you to move?

I guess the eyes tell you that something is coming toward you so it sends the information to the brain and tells the body to move.

How does a tick move every day?

Howe do you no something.....i love move to look..... Kiss

How does your brain judge the distance to nearby objects?

Your eyes do that. Your brain will tell the eyes to look at something. Your brain will tell your neck to move to see something. But your eyes can transfer images to your brain. Your brain actually gets the images upside down. Now, when your brain receives the image (which happens automatically in time) it should be able to analyze it and judge where the object stands in distance.