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Read your governing documents to determine who owns the outside of the condominium. Typically, the 'outside' is owned by the association, and of which you share ownership with all other owners.

Ownership determines maintenance.

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When you own a condominium you are responsible for the exterior or your own part. If you are jointly living in a condominium, you may want to speak to the others around you to keep things in order and beautiful.

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Q: When you own a condominium are you responsible for the exterior of the residence or building?
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Is a condominium association responsible for exterior plumbing?

Read your governing documents to determine who owns the exterior plumbing in your case.

In a condominium who is responsible for tuck pointing?

Tick pointing: the process of repairing or replacing the mortar between bricks. Read your governing documents to determine who owns the bricks and who is responsible for maintaining them. Usually, if the bricks are on the exterior of the building, the association owns the real estate asset and is responsible for maintaining it. If it's on the interior of a unit, it might be your responsibility.

Why do people prefer to buy a condominium rather than another kind of home?

In a condominium, an owner pays a monthly assessment to the association that owns the exterior real estate assets. The association then pays for, for example: * Building insurance * Building and property security * Common area housekeeping * Sewer and water service and other utilities * Landscaping services * Preventative maintenance * Legal fees * Accountancy fees Depending on the condominium, as an owner, you can enjoy all the luxuries of owning a home and the board members are responsible for protection, maintenance and preservation of the real estate assets that all unit owners own in common.

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HOA is responsible for structural integrity of building

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Your question is interesting in that it asks about leaks 'onto' your condo, without stating that the water is leaking 'into' your condominium. Water dripping onto your condominium balcony/ roof line/ window pane and so forth is expected and normal so long as the waterproof integrity of your building envelope remains in place and there is no water intrusion. However, if water is leaking into your condominium, you must alert your association manager or resident manager or board and request that the issue addressed as soon as possible. Water leaks mean mold eventually, which can be major damage and which is often excluded by insurance coverage.

Are pipes between the interior and exterior walls of a condo considered common area?

You can find the answer you want in your state's condominium law, where ownership default boundaries may be defined. Then, you can read your governing documents to determine whether the state's default boundaries have been adjusted by your declaration.Knowing this detail is important when insuring your condominium, because if you are responsible to repair damage to your unit caused by a pipe leaking or bursting, then having the appropriate insurance coverage is best.Every set of condominium governing documents is different; every state condominium law defines boundaries and ownership defaults differently.


form_title=Soundproofing form_header=11323 Please make a selection of the types of noises you would like to block out.*= [] "Conversation from a neighboring room [] Loud music [] Exterior noise (traffic, airplanes, neighbors, etc.) [] Construction noise [] Plumbing pipes and exhaust ducting [] Rain gutters, downspouts [] Floor/stairs squeaking" Please specify what you would like to have soundproofed. (Select all that apply)*= [] Walls [] Floors [] Windows Describe the residence that you would like to soundproof.*= () Single family residence () Condominium () Apartment building () Mobile Home () Town house

How tall is an exterior wall?

Exterior walls vary in height depending on the building design.

When you see a building from the outside you see its?


What is the definition of a exterior wall?

An exterior wall is simply a wall that has one of its surfaces on the outside of a building. Exterior walls usually have windows and doors, but not all the time. Both sides of interior walls are inside the building.

What is the definition of a building footprint?

== One definition== A building footprint is the outline of the total area of a lot or site that is surrounded by the exterior walls of a building or portion of a building, exclusive of courtyards.

Is asbestos survey needed for exterior of a building?

Yes, it can be. It depends on the local building regulations.