

When you pet a cats tail does it feel it?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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I think so because when i pet my cats tail it moves it towards me.

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Q: When you pet a cats tail does it feel it?
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Can i touch a cat's tail?

Cats can be very finniky about where they will let you touch them. Some cats will let you touch their tails and others will not. Before trying to pet a cat's tail, see if that cat likes to be pet at all.

Why do cats use their tail?

by showing how they feel like emotions

Where do cats like to be petted?

Depending on the cat, they like to be pet everywhere. For instance, I've known cats that love to be pet on their bellies, though it's not that common. My cat likes to be pet specifically behind her ear on the bump of muscle. She also enjoys just being pet on her back near her tail. There is no certain spot that all cats like being pet on. Some cats don't like being pet at all because they weren't raised near humans or something like that.

How do cats show how they feel?

you can usually pick up on how they feel by looking at their tail. eg, lots of movement; she's annoyed. not movement at all; content. tail in the air with tip flicking; interested

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when you pet a cat it feels ,with most cats, furry and soft. It also makes you want to cuddle it!

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cats my pet mualed a cat lol cats my pet mualed a cat lol cats my pet mualed a cat lol cats my pet mualed a cat lol

What types of cats are there how can you tell?

There are loads of different types of cats but there are: Tabby (average pet cat) Tortoise shell (no tail) Siamese (usually white with black heads) Ands lots more

What is your cat saying with their tails?

Cats move their tails in different ways. They cant talk, but their tail can tell how they feel. When a cats' tail is sticking straight up, they are saying a friendly "hello" (happy to see you). A relaxed cat curves his/her tail in a U-Shape. A wagging tail tells you the cat is unhappy. A tail thumping to the ground means the cat is going to attack. A twitchy tail means the cat is ready to pounce. Cats sweep their tail side to side if they are feeling excited or aggressive.

why do cats like to pet a certain way?

Certain strokes can make the cat feel safe or threaten, be carfeful!

Why does a cats tail point at the end?

A cats tail is in fact an extension of its spine...thats why.

Why are cats tails and kangaroos tails different?

the cats tail is shorter then a kangaroo's tail

What bone is in a cats tail?

a tail bone