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At the time of pea seed germination only plumule comes out from the soil because its mode of germination is hypogeal. The entire seed remains undergound except the plumule.

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Q: When you plant a pea describe what happens to the seed when it germinates?
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The seed germinates and the plant grows larger. Plants do not have a life cycle of several stages.

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It germinates and sucks up water.

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If you mean cotyledon, then that is part of the embryo inside of a seed. When the seed germinates it forms the first "leaf" of the plant.

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When a seed germinates the radical emerges first, followed by the leaves

Which sequence shows the order of stages in a plant life cycle?

(1) seed develops inside fruit → seed is dispersed → seed germinates → plant grows (2) seed is dispersed → seed develops inside fruit → seed germinates → plant grows (3) seed germinates → plant grows → seed is dispersed → seed develops inside fruit (4) seed is dispersed → plant grows → seed germinates → seed develops inside fruit The answer is number 1.

When a plant germinates what does it grow?

A seed germinates when it is in a favorable condition, and thus begins to grow a root and a seed leaf. As these two parts continue to grow, the leaf will eventually poke through the soil.

The life cycle of plant?

In the beginning - Seeds How do they grow? - Germination Seeds on the move - Travel A seed germinates, grows, and develops into a plant.

Describe the life cycle of a dandelion plant in a good and long way?

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