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A Static Charge.

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Q: When you rub a balloon on your head what kind of charge is created?
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Related questions

How does a balloon stay on a wall?

It depends on how long it takes for the charge to diminish so that it can no longer hold the balloon against gravity. Principal factors will be the conductivity of the balloon's material, and the humidity of the air.

How many inches is a balloon?

It depends on what kind of balloon.

When was the hot air balloon built?

The Hot Air Balloon was first created in 1782 by the Montgolfier brothers and then first piloted in late 1783 it was the first successful flying invention of its kind.

What is the kind of electricity you create by rubbing a balloon on your head?

Rubbing a balloon on your head creates static electricity. This occurs due to the transfer of electrons between the balloon and your hair, causing the balloon to become negatively charged. The negatively charged balloon can then attract or repel other objects, creating small electrical sparks or causing your hair to stand on end.

What kind of balloons holds more air and why?

The kind of balloon that holds more air is a hot air balloon. This is because they are much larger than a standard balloon.

What kind of bond is created by the attraction between atomic partivles of opposite charge?

An ionic bond between atoms of opposite charge.

What kind of energy does a balloon floating in the air have than a boulder a the top of a cliff?

what kind of energy does afloating balloon have

What kind of binds is created by the attraction between atomic particles of opposite charge?

ionic bonds

What kind of force is showed when air rushing out of the neck of a balloon causes the balloon to move?


What kind of atom is present in balloon?

Why helium, of course!

What kind of charge is a battery charge?

DC Charge

What is the purpose of a balloon?

A gastric balloon aims to reduce feelings of hunger and help one feel fuller longer after eating only small meals. This kind of balloon is also known as an intragastric balloon.