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Q: When you see your image on the surface of the water in a pond which phenomenon is at work?
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Why are some insects able to move around on the surface of a lake or pond?

Some insects are able to move around on a lake or pond because of the surface tension of the lake or pond.

Where are pond skates found in the pond?

Surface of water

Ripples on a surface of a pond?

Ripples on the surface of a pond are an example of wave motion.

What is in the pond?

standing surface water

What property of the structure of water allows water spiders to walk across the surface of a pond?

it is when water molecules in the water form a 'wall'.Pond skaters have legs that spread out away from their bodies, lowering the pressure exerted by their weight and not breaking the surface tension of the water

When a stone is thown in the calm water of a pond the waves produced on the surface of water in the pond are?

Ripples i believe you are looking for

What effects result from surface tension of water?

A water strider can walk across the surface of a small pond.

How do small insects such as pond skaters walk on water?

Pond skaters use surface tension to "walk" on water. They're legs are covered in fine hairs that are super sensitive and repel water. The hairs sense vibrations and ripples on the water's surface. The pond skater then uses these ripples to walk across the water surface. Check out the Jesus Christ lizard, its equally amazing! Saw it on Animal planet this morning. Hope this helps! :)

Do euglena live at the surface or bottom of ponds?

Euglena live at the surface of the water/pond!

Why is the surface of water in a pond cool even on a hot day?

The sun heats the water surface. Warm water has a lighter density than cold water so the warmer water floats on the surface of the colder water.

What is the insect known for using surface tension to walk on water?

Pond skimmers

Can you give me a sentence with word pond?

Fishes swam merrily under the surface of the pond.