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They can be called secondary meanings. Some secondary meanings may have nothing to do with the word in context. If you are talking about secondary meanings that color the word in context, I would call the other meanings 'nuance'.

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13y ago

The additional meanings are called "connotations".

Example: A "house" is just a building where people live. A "home" is another meaning for house, but has the connotations of family, belonging, love, safety, security and others.

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9y ago

When you speak of the flavor of a word, this is figurative language. What you literally mean is the connotation of a word.

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13y ago

These would be the connotative meaning.

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Q: When you speak of the flavor of a word were talking about the extra understood meanings that it carries in addition to its main meaning thies extra meanings are called?
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When we speak of the flavor of a word we're talking about the extra understood meanings that it carries in addition to its main meaning. These extra meanings are called?

The answer C.connotations. I took the test the answer is C

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