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if he stoped talking to you after he asked you out then mabey he feels nervous around you now that you know he likes you or it could of been a dare from another friend or he could like someone els now

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Q: When you talk to a guy you like a lot but then he stops talking to you after he asks you out?
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If you never initiated talking to the guy you like and suddenly he stops talking to you should you try to talk to him or is he going to ignore you?

If he can talk to you than you obviously can talk to him. He is taking time to talk to you, so he has at least a little interest in you. So return it and talk to him.

How do you talk to a girl to make her like you?

You need to wait untill the girl stops talking, do not swear or yell and talk soft make sure you understand her, then she will like you or love you

What should you do when the guy you like stops talking to you?

you should get one of your friends to talk to him and ask whats wrong, or do it yourself :)

How do you approach a the girl you love not to ask her out but just to talk to her because you know she doesn't like you?

You are probably better off simply not talking to her. However, simply talking to her like another person should be good enough. If she asks why you want to talk, just explain why you want to talk to her.

He asks you if it is weird that if you need to talk he is there for you?

Basically he is wondering how you feel about talking to him or if you trust him enough to share things with him. I need talking him because I like to saw Rihanna an I like th sing very much of Rihanna fenty

Does a guy like you if he is always making eye contact with you and if he stops talking to his friends to talk to you when you say something to him?

i would say that he probbaly does like you and you should go for it and ask him out

What do you do when the person you love stops talking to you for 2 months?

Ask them what is wrong and if you two can talk about it.

Does a boy like you if he asks your best friend if you like him and she says she doesn't know and asks if he likes you and he says he doesn't know but now he talks to you more?

It could mean that he likes you. This is definitely something that you will need to talk to him about; however if he is already talking to you then this is a really good start!

This girl you never talked to before started talking to you sometimes online and when you didnt know what to talk about she always ask who you like what does that mean?

She might like you but first ask her why she asks but dont ask repeatedly.

What does it mean when a boy used to talk to you everyday then suddenly stops and then out of the blue asks you to the movies?

he likes you and finally worked up the courage to ask you out

When somebody love you but when talk lose control talk to allow?

stop and act like your not talking to that person act like your talking to someone your okay with talking to.

What do you do when a boy asks to talk to you alone?

That depends upon your level of trust. If you trust someone, you can talk to them alone. If you do not trust someone, then it is better to avoid talking to them alone.