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Did you recently replace the battery? If you did, the light resets to a lower setting. On your dash, check the button next to your mileage indicator. It usually is also a dial. Try turning that up.

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Q: When you turn on head lights the light on the dashboard dims to almost dark?
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There is a knob on your dashboard that you can turn to set the brightness of your dash lights and interior lights. If you have this knob turned all the way down, the interior light will not come on when you open the doors, and your dashboard lights will be dark. If this is not the solution to your problem, look for a blown fuse in your fuse box.

How do you dim the dashboard lights on a BMW 3 series?

i know im a girl and im only 14 and all but there is a light level sensor built into the LCM which will make the dashboard lights dimmer in high quantities of light and make them brighter in the dark. there is a little dot just above your light switch knob which is the sensor. i don't actually think you can adjust them though

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What is a dark sensor?

A sensor that is activated by a lack of light (the dark). Usually these can be found in night lights that turn on when the lights are turned out.

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Well the dark is 'dark' because no light is let in. Places like an enclosed area with walls and ceilings also no lights are dark. It is dark because no light can get through the enclosure you are in.

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when the paint is stuck to a wall with a window next to it, it absorbs light then uses it when its dark

On a 2000 Chevy Silverado why would the head lights pop on after taking the parking brake off or when it gets dark the dash board lights go out?

The lights are automatic for your daytime running lights AND your regular head lights. There is a light sensor on your dash that knows when it get dark. When it's dark your headlights will automatically come on, daytime lights turn off and your dashboard lights will dim as a result, since you no longer need them to be that bright when it's dark. As far as the parking brake, it triggers your daytime lights to turn off, so when you disengage your parking brake, they will turn on for normal driving. All of this is a good thing because you never have to worry about turning your on/off...ever.

Though it's cold and lonely in the deep dark night?

I can see paradise by the dashboard lightParadise by the Dashboard Light, Meat Loaf. From the album Bat Out of Hell.

Is pine wood dark or light in color?

Very light, almost colorless.

Why does a film developed in dark room?

The light will show on the film if its developed in the light

What Differentiate of light reaction to dark reaction?

lights and darks are the same you racist