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Q: When your body heats up it will begin to sweat?
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Why do our palms get sweaty when we are nervous?

Our sweat glands are supplied by a set of nerves knows as the sympathetic nervous system. This is the system that is in charge of dealing with alarming situations, known as the fight or flight system. When this system kicks in, the body heats up and sweat glands secrete sweat to cool the body down.

Does excercise affect body temperature?

yes, while doing excercise our body needs more oxygen, in that case our muscles produces lactic acid which heats up our body & our body gets hot & starts secreating sweat .

When sick what causes sweating?

Your body heats up in an effort to fight the illness, and so you sweat. You might also alternate with chills and shivering; the immune system tries all ways to get rid of the intruder.

What happen to sweat on a human's body after they exercise?

The sweat would get all over your body and sometimes clothes. After when you exercise your sweat would be soaked up sometimes or in the moisture.

What is the difference between sweat and tears?

Sweat is when youre doing something and it heats you up so it lets out a salty water substance. While tears are when your 'sad' emotion activates and you let it out. In all............. tears are from emotions while sweat is from actions

Why is pee warm?

because your body is warm so it heats it up

What is sweat made up of?

Sweat is water. But it is not all water. It contains urea and sometimes lactates. It also has minerals that may include sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and smaller amounts of zinc, copper, chromium, nickel and lead. However, it also depends on how much of these you have in your body. If you have a high amount of these things in your body, more will escape in the sweat.

Why evaporation of sweat slows down when the relative humidity is high?

Sweating, by itself, does nothing to cool the body, unless the water is removed by evaporation -- and high relative humidity retards evaporation. This explains why it feels so much hotter in high humidity. When relative humidity reaches a high enough level, the body's natural cooling system simply can't work. Sweat evaporates very slowly, if at all, and the body heats up. In extreme cases, people begin to suffer from heat cramps or heat stroke, which is basically organ failure as the body begins to cook itself.

How do humans get rid of heat during exercise?

Your body uses its sweat glands to perspire sending liquid over your skin to cool you down during exercise, though the sweat may feel warm to you this is because you body has already heated the sweat up by the time you see or feel it as it builds up, you begin to drip. All sweat glands are to tiny to see, its not untill a collection of tiny liquid particles gather together they become dense enough to start rolling down the body gathering heat from your skin. So remember sweat is your friend and you need water to replenish what you loose.

Why are fevers important?

because the heat from the fevers heats up the problem in your body and kills it.

Why does radiation heats up?

Radiation never heats up .... when it is absorbed by matter then the matter heats up.

Is a fever helpful or harmful to your body?

A fever heats up your internal temperature to kill of virus' in your body so it is good.