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I was having some problems with my wife, and was invited to a house where one of the occupants had suddenly left. I stepped into the room that he rented. The moment that I opened the door and walked in, I experienced a vehement muscle twitch on the left side of my chest that lasted for about one minute. At first, I couldn't understand why or how this muscle twitch occurred the way it did, upon walking into that particular room. It was like this strong and lasting muscle twitch was trying to tell me something. A few days later, word came to me that my wife had runoff with the guy who had left the home where I had experienced my severe muscle twitch. This fellow was the one who had vacated the room that I had walked into. Mere coincidence? I don't think so. From that traumatizing incident on, I would always correlate any muscle twitches that I was experiencing to my marital woes. The muscle twitches started taking over my life, putting me in an emotional and mental prison of hell itself. After thirty years, I still have the twitches but it doesn't affect me psychologically anymore as it used to. I talked to a professional about this phenomenom, and he explained to me that all of life's matter is sheer energy. He stated that our bodies are able to pick-up outside energies and confirm them in correlation with our own physical energies, such as muscle twitches. Most people write this phenomenom off as wives tales, but there is alot of truth to what you are experiencing. He suggested that I do my best to ignore my muscle twitches psychologically, and to find other positive alternatives to come to the truth of personal issues that cause me undue fear. Believe me, it's not easy.

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Q: When your eye twitches is someone talking about you?
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Does it mean your in love when your eye twitches?

Not necessarily your eye twitches because a nerve is set off, it doesn't mean that you are in love.

What is it called when your eye twitches?

Technically an eye twitch is called a blepharospasm.

What does it mean if your eye twitches continuously?

Stress, allergies, eye strain, dry eyes, nutritional imbalance can cause eye twitching

What are Superstitions about winking eye?

if your left eye is winking, something good is gonna happen to you and if right eye, something really bad is gonna happen to thou! vice versa left eye bad right eye good ---- There is another superstition that is that if your eye twitches, it means that someone is thinking positively about you - usually in a tender and caring way.

Can someone tell What is this eye color is?

ummm exactly what eye color are you talking about?? @Look at the related links please... :)

How do you stop eye twitches?

you stop twitching your eye, generally it's a virus. Don't stick your eye in there anymore.

What vitamin are you lacking when your right eye jumps?

i have always heard potassium for muscle cramps and twitches...

Can headaches cause twitching?

Yes, eye twitching and migraine headaches often occur together. Sometimes eye twitches can be a sign of an impending migraine.

When a speaker refuses to look at you in the eye?

Looking at someone's eyes while talking to them is a learned behavior. If someone doesn't look you in the eye it may only mean they were not taught to do so.

What does it mean when your left eye twitches everyother day I have problems seeing with this eye does this have something to do with it?

That means you have a lazy eye. That is when your eye crosses in or out. It happened to me and I needed glasses for it to correct itself. Go to an eye doctor to find out for sure.

What is the Superstitious meaning for eye twitching?

The superstitions are that when your left eye twitches it means something bad is going to happen. When your right eye twitches it means something good is going to happen. I have heard, when the top of your eye (say the eyelid) is twitching, something good is going to happen to you, but when the bottom of your eye is twitching, something bad is going to happen. If it is twitching really bad, the effectiveness is stronger than a little twitch.

Is rapid eye movement involved in dreaming?

Yes it is....ive actually witnessed this myself on many occassions.....some people have involuntary eye twitches while they sleep.