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Q: When your pregnant do you tend to get sick a lot?
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Do pregnant women get sick a lot?

not because they impregnate.

You have been eating a lot and im sick is it just part of the cold or?

Been sick and eating a lot can be cause by a few things. You can either be pregnant or you can be bored.

Your breast is tender and you get sharpe cramps and feel sick out the day and see alot of mucus iam you pregnant?

probably. You have a lot of discharge when you are pregnant.

You have been feeling sick and throwing up almost every time you eat you get sick to your stomach a lot and your body has been sort of achy what is wrong?

you might be pregnant

If you take a lot of aspirin every day will it stop you from being pregnant?

NO, but it might make you very sick as it reduces clotting. Only abstention or contraception can stop you from being pregnant.

If you're pregnant can you get sick off and on?

Yes, if you're pregnant you can and most likely will get sick. Even though you'll be limited to the kind of medication you can take, you and your baby will be fine. Doctors typically advise a lot of bed rest, and your body heals itself on its own.

How many preagnices does a hamster have in it life?

Actually, not all females have babies. And YOU are the one who can decide if you want the hamster pregnant. But I wouldn't make her pregnant a lot, as this can make her sick and die. BREED RESPONSIBLY PLEASE :)

What does asick or ill baby gerbil look like?

A sick or ill baby gerbil looks normal...Sometimes. BUT, if they hardly move a lot, don't nurse, and their exposed skin becomes pale and/or scaley; that shows they are sick. Sick baby gerbils also let loose a lot of mucus from their noses. Feel the babies nose to see if it is wet. Baby gerbils that are sick also tend to drool.

Could i be pregnant as on Depo-Provera and feel sick a lot?

That's been happening to me too. Weird. I kinda wanna puke all the time. Ugh.

What could be causing you to vomitte every morning when not pregnant?

Maybe you're sick or it's just migraines lol there are a lot of things that can make you throw up.

Can you get pregnant when your sick with a cough?

Yes, you certainly can.

Are you pregnant if you vomit foam?

No, just sick