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Q: When your sinus infection clears up will your smell and taste come back?
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How can I tell if I have a sinus infection?

Some symptoms of a sinus infection include headache, bad breath, stuffy nose, fever, tooth pain and reduced sense of taste and smell. If you have quite a few of these symptoms then you could very likely have a sinus infection.

Can a sinus infection make food taste bad?

Yes, it can. there is drainage in the back of your throat, and the taste of food can be effected by it.

Why does drainage from sinus taste salty?

The drainage from the sinus cavity sometimes will taste salty because of a bacterial infection or because of a high salt content in the body. In some cases, the salty taste might also be due to dehydration.

I cant taste or smell anything im not ill or anything?

Same thing happened to me and it turned out I had sinus polyps. I had them removed (twice) and can smell and taste again...I suggest you see an ENT

Will ceftin treat a sinus infection?

Yes Ceftin will treat a sinus infection. It is generally used for tougher infections and has a very bitter taste to it. If you coat it in honey and drink with a flavored drink the taste will be muted. If you have a child you can give them chocolate milk with it and they won't taste it either. In the chance you do get its bitter taste in your mouth eat some bread (1-2 slices) and the taste will go away.

What can help you get your taste back if you have a cold?

Technically, we only "taste" sweet, sour, salt and bitter. The tongue can only sense those 4 tastes. The rest of what we often call "taste buds" is actually the smell of food. If you have a sinus infection you can often lose the sense of smell. As soon as your cold passes, you are decongested and you start feeling better, your sense of taste should come right back! If you can't taste anything at all, even after you are well, You may need some medical assistance in recovering your sense of smell. Unfortunately there are some who lose their sense of smell and never get it back. Only a doctor can assist you on this one.

Why have I not been able to smell or taste anything for at least 7days?

Without assessing you, it is hard to say. However, if you have had any sinus congestion, a runny nose, or some other similar upper airway symptom, your ability to smell/taste may be diminished. (Generally the loss of taste follows a loss of smell, as smell contributes significantly to taste.) There are other causes, such as problems with the cranial nerves. It this loss of smell and taste persists, you should be evaluated by a health care professional.

Why can't you taste without a sense of smell?

The senses of smell and taste are closely interrelated, and one definitely does affect the other to some extent.Although they are extremely closely related you will not loose your sense of taste if you lose your sense of smell it will just be extremely mild. You dont reallz lose your sense of taste physiologically instead psychologically you would find food less tast, not because your sense of taste is affected but because 80% of what we consider to be tasty food comes from how they smell.(1) On April 29, 2008 at 3:07 am User:Patty_Robb[0] said:I have lost my sense of smell since about ten years ago. It has gotten progressively worse. At first I would have phantom smells or if someone suggested a smell I would smell it for hours. I now do not even have a memory of smells and have lost my sense of taste as well.

What can you do to get your taste buds and smell back?

We generally don't realize this, but about 60% of "taste" is actually "smell". If you have had sinus infections or blockages, you can have a severely decreased ability to taste things - because you can't SMELL them. You can talk to your doctor about sinus problems, but one simple alternative is sinus lavage, or "rinsing". There are a number of "nasal pumps" that pump salt water up one nostril and allow it to drain through the other nostril. (This requires a rather strange posture, head-down in the sink to allow the water to wash through.) Or you can look at "neti pots" for sinus drainage. (See attached link.)

What is the smell of oxygen?

oxygen it has no colour, taste or smell.

Does diamond have a smell or taste?

Diamonds are formed from carbon, and in this state, possess no taste or smell.

What is smell and taste mean?

Smell and taste are 2 of the 5 senses we humans have: smell, taste, hear, sight, and feel. Guess what? You use your nose to smell and tongue to taste. Surprise, surprise.