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when your teeth grind food is it chemical or mechanical

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Jocelyn Alfaro

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Q: When your teeth grind food is it mechanical or chemical?
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What 2 types of digestion takes place in the mouth?

Mechanical and chemical digestion. In mechanical digestion the teeth breakdown food into smaller pieces and in chemical digestion the salivary glands breaks down the food molecules.

Is your teeth grinding food a mechanical or chemical change?

The teeth grinding is a mechanical change. The saliva mixing in with the food and starting the digestive process would be a chemical change.

The teeth are extremely important in mechanical digestion?

Teeth are extremely important in mechanical digestion of food. It is very difficult to digest the large pieces of food. Only properly masticated food is easily digested. You do not have other organs, which can grind food like your teeth do. Nature has made teeth very hard for this function.

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Are teeth chemical or mechanical digestion?

Salivary Glands performs Chemical Digestion

What type of change occurs when teeth cut and grind food?

Mastication (when teeth cut and grind food) is a physical change.

What does molar teeth do to your food?

grind it

What teeth are for grinding?

all grind food

How is mechanical digestion is different than chemical digestion?

Chemical digestion uses enzymes and other chemicals to break the bonds in food. Mechanical digestion is basically the teeth grinding the food into physically smaller pieces.

How do you grind your food in your digestive system?

You chew it with your teeth.

Why is mechanical digestion important for chemical. Digestion?

Mechanical digestion chops the food in to smaller pieces, thus exposing more of it to the enzymes of the chemical digestion.Mechanical digestion begins in the mouth by the teeth, tongue and saliva. Mechanical digestion is important for chemical digestion because when food is broken down into smaller particles by mechanical means, chemical digestion will be more efficient.

What function do incisor teeth have that molar teeth do not?

they cut in to food like meat but the molars grind and crush food